MP3 Archives For Season Five
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Episode 0001 (MP3)
Personal Introduction, The Inspiration of Scripture & The Canon of Inspired Scripture
27 January 2020
Episode 0002 (MP3)
The Transmission of Inspired Scripture & Some Consideration of English Translations
28 January 2020
Episode 0003 (MP3)
Consideration of Verse-By-Verse Bible Study Methodology
29 January 2020

An excellent resource for those seeking general knowledge about the issue.

The place to go for a more in-depth treatment of the subject.

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Episode 0004 (MP3)
"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth."
30 January 2020 Genesis 1:1-2
Episode 0005 (MP3)
Creation Days 1-3: The creation of light, liquid & land
30 January 2020 Genesis 1:1-9
Episode 0006 (MP3)
Creation Days 3-5: The creation of earth's habitat
3 February 2020 Genesis 1:9-23
Episode 0007 (MP3)
Creation Days 6-7: The creation of humanity
4 February 2020 Genesis 1:24-2:3
Episode 0008 (MP3)
Creation Day 6: Focus on the creation of the man
5 February 2020 Genesis 2:1-7
Episode 0009 (MP3)
Creation Day 6: Focus on the Garden of Eden
6 February 2020 Genesis 2:7-18
Episode 0010 (MP3)
Creation Day 6: Focus on the creation of the woman
7 February 2020 Genesis 2:18-31
Episode 0011 (MP3)
The temptation of the woman by the serpent
10 February 2020 Genesis 3:1-5
Episode 0012 (MP3)
The Fall into sin
11 February 2020 Genesis 3:1-15
Episode 0013 (MP3)
The consequences of the Fall into sin
12 February 2020 Genesis 3:14-20
Episode 0014 (MP3)
The beginning of animal sacrifices
13 February 2020 Genesis 3:21-4:4
Episode 0015 (MP3)
The tragic story of Cain & Abel
14 February 2020 Genesis 4:3-17
Episode 0016 (MP3)
The descendants of Cain
17 February 2020 Genesis 4:16-26
Episode 0017 (MP3)
The descendants of Seth
18 February 2020 Genesis 4:20-5:31
Episode 0018 (MP3)
The rise of the Nephilim
19 February 2020 Genesis 5:28-6:3
Episode 0019 (MP3)
God's intention to cleanse the world with a flood, while saving some in an ark
20 February 2020 Genesis 6:1-15
Episode 0020 (MP3)
A description of the ark built by Noah
21 February 2020 Genesis 6:13-22
Episode 0022 (MP3)
The world-wide Flood continues
25 February 2020 Genesis 7:11-8:9
Episode 0023 (MP3)
The world-wide Flood ends
26 February 2020 Genesis 8:6-9:5
Episode 0024 (MP3)
Post-Flood changes & rules
27 February 2020 Genesis 9:1-17
Episode 0025 (MP3)
Table of Nations, Part 1
28 February 2020 Genesis 9:18-10:12
Episode 0026 (MP3)
Table of Nations, Part 2
2 March 2020 Genesis 10:13-11:5
Episode 0027 (MP3)
Tower of Babel Incident & The Family Tree Of Seth
3 March 2020 Genesis 11:1-27
Episode 0028 (MP3)
The Family Of Terah Of Ur & The Call Of Abram
4 March 2020 Genesis 11:26-12:6
Episode 0029 (MP3)
Abram Travels To Canaan & Egypt
5 March 2020 Genesis 12:1-17
Episode 0030 (MP3)
Abram Returns To Canaan From Egypt
6 March 2020 Genesis 12:10-13:10
Episode 0031 (MP3)
Abram Separates From His Nephew Lot, Settling In Hebron
9 March 2020 Genesis 13:8-14:5
Episode 0032 (MP3)
Abram Rescues Lot From The Invading Mesopotamian Army
10 March 2020 Genesis 14:5-16
Episode 0033 (MP3)
Abram Blessed By Melchizedek Of Salem & By God Most High
11 March 2020 Genesis 14:16-15:6
Episode 0034 (MP3)
Abram Trusts God's Promises & Has It Accounted To Him As Righteousness
12 March 2020 Genesis 15:1-21
Episode 0035 (MP3)
The Conception & Birth Of Ishmael
13 March 2020 Genesis 16:1-17:1
Episode 0036 (MP3)
God Changes Abram's Name To Abraham & Sarai's To Sarah
16 March 2020 Genesis 17:1-18:15
Episode 0037 (MP3)
God Visits With Abraham & Sarah, Informing Abraham Of The Impending Destruction Of The Cities Of The Jordan Plain
17 March 2020 Genesis 18:10-19:10
Episode 0038 (MP3)
God's Angels Recue Lot From Sodom Before The Destruction Of The Cities Of The Jordan Plain
18 March 2020 Genesis 19:9-38
Episode 0039 (MP3)
Abraham Moves To The Region Of Gerar, Where Isaac Is Born
19 March 2020 Genesis 20:1-21:9
Episode 0040 (MP3)
Abraham Sends His Teenage Son, Ishmael & His Mother, Hagar, Away To Paran In Southeastern Canaan
20 March 2020 Genesis 21:8-21
Episode 0041 (MP3)
Abraham Names His Gerar Encampment, Beersheba & Later, Responds In Faith To God's Call To Sacrifice Isaac
23 March 2020 Genesis 21:22-22:14
Episode 0042 (MP3)
Abraham Responds In Faith To God's Call To Sacrifice Isaac & Later, Buries Sarah At Hebron
24 March 2020 Genesis 22:10-23:4
Episode 0043 (MP3)
Abraham Buries Sarah At Hebron & Then Arranges For Isaac To Marry A Cousin From Haran
25 March 2020 Genesis 23:1-24:51
Episode 0044 (MP3)
Isaac Marries Rebekah, His Cousin From Haran
26 March 2020 Genesis 24:49-25:21
Episode 0045 (MP3)
Esau & Jacob Are Born To Isaac & Rebekah
27 March 2020 Genesis 25:19-26:14
Episode 0046 (MP3)
After Abraham's Death, Jacob Buys Esau's Birthright, & Then, Isaac & Rebekah Have Problems While Sojourning In Gerar
30 March 2020 Genesis 26:12-27:8
Episode 0047 (MP3)
Rebekah Assists Jacob In Gaining The Esau's Blessing From Isaac By Deception
31 March 2020 Genesis 27:6-36
Episode 0048 (MP3)
Isaac & Rebekah Send Jacob To Haran To Find A Wife Among His Cousins There & Then, Esau Decides To Marry A Cousin From Ishmael's Line In Order To Please His Parents
1 April 2020 Genesis 27:34-28:10
Episode 0049 (MP3)
Jacob Has A Vision Of God At Bethel Before Traveling On To Haran
2 April 2020 Genesis 28:10-29:3
Episode 0050 (MP3)
Jacob Works For His Uncle Laben In Order To Marry His Cousin, Rachel
3 April 2020 Genesis 29:1-25
Episode 0051 (MP3)
Laben Tricks Jacob Into Marrying Both Leah & Rachel, Which Triggers A Birthing Competition Between The Sisters In Their Effort To Secure Jacob's Love
6 April 2020 Genesis 29:22-30:11
Episode 0052 (MP3)
Jacob's Family & Wealth Continue To Grow Under God's Blessing
7 April 2020 Genesis 30:12-43
Episode 0053 (MP3)
After 20 Years There, Jacob Flees From Haran With His Family & Wealth, Fearing Laban's Declining Attitude Toward Him
8 April 2020 Genesis 31:1-35
Episode 0054 (MP3)
God Protects Jacob Against The Pursuit Of Laban
9 April 2020 Genesis 31:36-32:20
Episode 0055 (MP3)
After Wrestling With God's Angel, Jacob Is Peacefully Met By His Brother, Esau
10 April 2020 Genesis 32:21-33:16
Episode 0056 (MP3)
Jacob Sets Up A Cattle Ranch At Succoth & A Sheep Herding Operation Near Shechem
13 April 2020 Genesis 33:17-34:12
Episode 0057 (MP3)
Jacob's Sons Murder & Plunder The Men Of Shechem Because Of Their Sister's Relationship With The Prince Of The City, Forcing Jacob To Flee Southward
14 April 2020 Genesis 34:8-35:3
Episode 0058 (MP3)
Jacob Sets A Monument At Bethel & Then, Buries Rachel On the Road From Bethel To Bethlehem, After Her Death During The Birth Of Benjamin
15 April 2020 Genesis 35:1-21
Episode 0059 (MP3)
Joseph Begins Having Prophetic Dreams
16 April 2020 Genesis 35:21-27; 37:1-17
Episode 0060 (MP3)
Joseph's Envious Brothers Sell Him Into Slavery, Letting Jacob Assume He Had Been Killed By A Wild Animal
17 April 2020 Genesis 37:14-38:7
Episode 0061 (MP3)
Judah Becomes The Father Of His Own Grandsons
20 April 2020 Genesis 38:6-30
Episode 0062 (MP3)
Joseph Suffers & Succeeds In Egypt
21 April 2020 Genesis 39:1-40:19
Episode 0063 (MP3)
Joseph's Prophetic Abilities Result In His Promotion To Pharoah's Second-In-Command
22 April 2020 Genesis 40:20-41:46; 35:28-29
Episode 0064 (MP3)
During The First Year Of The Seven-Year Famine, Joseph's Brothers Unknowingly Interact With Him In Egypt
23 April 2020 Genesis 41:46-42:20
Episode 0065 (MP3)
During The Second Year Of The Famine, Jacob Sends His Sons Back To Egypt To Get More Grain, Accompanied By Benjamin
24 April 2020 Genesis 42:17-43:14
Episode 0066 (MP3)
Joseph Tests His Brothers Attitude Toward Benjamin
27 April 2020 Genesis 43:11-44:31
Episode 0067 (MP3)
Joseph Reveals His Identity To His Brothers, Inviting Them To Bring Their Father & Families To Egypt To Live
28 April 2020 Genesis 44:30-45:28
Episode 0068 (MP3)
Jacob & His Family Moves To The Land Of Goshen In Egypt
29 April 2020 Genesis 46:1-47:9
Episode 0069 (MP3)
Joseph Saves Egyptians From The Famine, Consolidating The Land Under Pharoah's Throne
30 April 2020 Genesis 47:7-48:19
Episode 0070 (MP3)
Jacob Adopts Joseph's Two Sons As His Own
1 May 2020 Genesis 48:17-49:22
Episode 0071 (MP3)
Jacob Prophetically Blesses His Sons
4 May 2020 Genesis 49:22-Exodus 1:7
Episode 0072 (MP3)
Satan Targets Job
5 May 2020 Job 1:1-12
Episode 0073 (MP3)
Satan Destroys Job's Life & Health, But Does Not Break His Faith In God
6 May 2020 Job 1:6-2:8
Episode 0074 (MP3)
Job Laments His Situation In The Presence Of His Three "Friends"
7 May 2020 Job 2:7-3:26
Episode 0075 (MP3)
Eliphaz Gives His First Speech & Job Begins To Respond
8 May 2020 Job 4:1-6:8
Episode 0076 (MP3)
Job's Response To Eliphaz
11 May 2020 Job 6:1-7:21
Episode 0077 (MP3)
Bildad Gives His First Speech & Job Responds
12 May 2020 Job 8:1-10:22
Episode 0078 (MP3)
Zophar Gives His First Speech & Job Responds
13 May 2020 Job 11:1-14:22
Episode 0079 (MP3)
Eliphaz Gives His Second Speech, Job Responds & Bildad Gives His Second Speech
14 May 2020 Job 15:1-18:21
Episode 0080 (MP3)
Job Responds To Bildad, Zophar Gives His Second Speech & Job Responds
15 May 2020 Job 19:1-21:34
Episode 0081 (MP3)
Eliphaz Gives His Third Speech & Job Responds
18 May 2020 Job 22:1-24:25
Episode 0082 (MP3)
Bildad Gives His Third Speech & Job Begins To Respond
19 May 2020 Job 25:1-28:28
Episode 0083 (MP3)
Job Continues His Response
20 May 2020 Job 29:1-31:40
Episode 0084 (MP3)
Elihu Begins His Long Speech
21 May 2020 Job 32:1-34:20
Episode 0085 (MP3)
Elihu Continues His Long Speech
22 May 2020 Job 34:21-36:28
Episode 0086 (MP3)
Elihu Finishes His Long Speech, After Which, God Begins To Speak With Job
25 May 2020 Job 36:20-38:21
Episode 0087 (MP3)
God Continues To Speak With Job
26 May 2020 Job 38:22-40:12
Episode 0088 (MP3)
God Continues To Speak With Job
27 May 2020 Job 40:1-41:21
Episode 0089 (MP3)
God Finishes Speaking With Job & Then Blesses Him
28 May 2020 Job 41:12-42:17
Episode 0090 (MP3)
A New Pharoah Fears The Increasing Descendants Of Israel Within Egypt
29 May 2020 Exodus 1:1-22
Episode 0091 (MP3)
Moses, After Being Raised As Both An Egyptian & Israeli, Choses To Defend An Israeli By Killing An Egyptian
1 June 2020 Exodus 2:1-15
Episode 0092 (MP3)
Moses Flees From Pharoah, Spending The Next 40 Years As A Shepherd In Midian
2 June 2020 Exodus 2:15-3:3
Episode 0093 (MP3)
God Speaks To Moses From A Burning Bush
3 June 2020 Exodus 3:1-15
Episode 0094 (MP3)
Moses Is Hesitant To Accept God's Assignment For Him
4 June 2020 Exodus 3:14-4:12
Episode 0095 (MP3)
Moses Accepts God's Assignment For Him & Begins His Journey To Egypt
5 June 2020 Exodus 4:10-26
Episode 0096 (MP3)
Moses First Meeting With Pharoah Results In More Problems For The Israelis
8 June 2020 Exodus 4:27-5:22
Episode 0097 (MP3)
God Prepares Moses For His Second Meeting With Pharoah
9 June 2020 Exodus 5:19-6:29
Episode 0098 (MP3)
Moses & Aaron Preside Over God's First Three Plagues Against Egypt
10 June 2020 Exodus 6:28-8:23
Episode 0099 (MP3)
Moses & Aaron Preside Over God's Fourth - Seventh Plagues Against Egypt
11 June 2020 Exodus 8:20-9:35
Episode 0100 (MP3)
Moses & Aaron Preside Over God's Eighth & Ninth Plagues Against Egypt
12 June 2020 Exodus 10:1-11:10
Episode 0101 (MP3)
God Gives Moses Instructions About Passover
15 June 2020 Exodus 12:1-16
Episode 0102 (MP3)
The Tenth Plague Occurs During Israel's First Passover
16 June 2020 Exodus 12:16-38
Episode 0103 (MP3)
As Israel Leaves Egypt, God Given Moses More Instructions About Future Observances
17 June 2020 Exodus 12:37-13:9
Episode 0104 (MP3)
God's Cloud Leads Israel To The Red Sea
18 June 2020 Exodus 13:10-14:4
Episode 0105 (MP3)
God Prepares Israel For Their Crossing Of The Red Sea
19 June 2020 Exodus 14:1-23
Episode 0106 (MP3)
Israel Crosses The Red Sea Mirculously & Moses Sings His Song
22 June 2020 Exodus 14:22-15:21
Episode 0107 (MP3)
God Miraculously Provides Israel With Daily Bread
23 June 2020 Exodus 15:22-16:5
Episode 0108 (MP3)
God's Instructions Regarding His Provision Of Manna
24 June 2020 Exodus 16:1-31
Episode 0109 (MP3)
God Miraculously Provides Israel With Water From A Rock & Saves Them From An Attack By The Amalekites
25 June 2020 Exodus 16:31-17:13
Episode 0110 (MP3)
Jethro Advises Moses On Establishing A Multi-Tier Judicial System
26 June 2020 Exodus 17:14-18:23
Episode 0111 (MP3)
Israel Arrives At Mount Sinai
29 June 2020 Exodus 18:27-19:11
Episode 0112 (MP3)
God Displays His Majesty To Israel At Mount Sinai
30 June 2020 Exodus 19:9-25
Episode 0113 (MP3)
God Speaks The First Four Commandments
1 July 2020 Exodus 20:1-11
Episode 0114 (MP3)
God Speaks The Remaining Ten Commandments
2 July 2020 Exodus 20:12-17
Episode 0115 (MP3)
The People Of Israel Beg Moses To Speak To God On Their Behalf
3 July 2020 Exodus 20:18-21:6
Episode 0116 (MP3)
God Gives Moses Miscellaneous Laws For Israel
6 July 2020 Exodus 21:7-19
Episode 0117 (MP3)
God Gives Moses Miscellaneous Laws For Israel
7 July 2020 Exodus 21:20-22:2
Episode 0118 (MP3)
God Gives Moses Miscellaneous Laws For Israel
8 July 2020 Exodus 22:2-20
Episode 0119 (MP3)
God Gives Moses Miscellaneous Laws For Israel
9 July 2020 Exodus 22:21-23:11
Episode 0120 (MP3)
God Gives Moses Miscellaneous Laws For Israel
10 July 2020 Exodus 23:10-31
Episode 0121 (MP3)
After God Finishes Giving Moses Miscellaneous Laws For Israel, Moses Anoints The People With The Blood Of This Covenant
13 July 2020 Exodus 23:20-24:8
Episode 0122 (MP3)
God Calls Moses To The Top Of Mount Sinai
14 July 2020 Exodus 24:4-18
Episode 0123 (MP3)
God Gives Moses Instructions On The Making Of The Ark Of The Covenant
15 July 2020 Numbers 15:32-34;
Exodus 24:16-25:14
Episode 0124 (MP3)
God Gives Moses Instructions On The Making Of The Ark Of The Covenant & The Table Of The Bread Of The Presence
16 July 2020 Exodus 25:10-30
Episode 0125 (MP3)
God Gives Moses Instructions On The Making Of The Lampstand & The Tabernacle Shrine Tent
17 July 2020 Exodus 25:31-26:6
Episode 0126 (MP3)
God Gives Moses Instructions On The Making Of The Tabernacle Shrine Tent
20 July 2020 Exodus 26:1-19
Episode 0127 (MP3)
God Gives Moses Instructions On The Making Of The Tabernacle Shrine Tent, The Bronze Sacrificial Altar & The Courtyard
21 July 2020 Exodus 26:20-27:20
Episode 0128 (MP3)
God Gives Moses Instructions On The Making Of The Priestly Uniforms
22 July 2020 Exodus 27:20-28:38
Episode 0129 (MP3)
God Gives Moses Instructions On The Making Of The Priestly Uniforms & The Dedication Of The Priests
23 July 2020 Exodus 28:39-29:26
Episode 0130 (MP3)
God Gives Moses Instructions On The Dedication Of The Priests, The Daily Sacrifices & The Making Of The Golden Altar Of Incense
24 July 2020 Exodus 29:26-30:9
Episode 0131 (MP3)
God Gives Moses Instructions On The Making Of The Golden Altar Of Incense & The Bronze Water Tank
27 July 2020 Exodus 30:1-33
Episode 0132 (MP3)
God Appoints Bezelel & Oholiab To The Making The Tabernacle
28 July 2020 Exodus 30:34-31:18
Episode 0133 (MP3)
The Israelis Foolishly Make A Golden Calf To Represent God
29 July 2020 Exodus 32:1-22
Episode 0134 (MP3)
Moses Shatters The Tablets & Israel Is Punished For Their Golden Calf Incident
30 July 2020 Exodus 32:19-33:6
Episode 0135 (MP3)
Moses Intercedes For Israel
31 July 2020 Exodus 33:7-34:7
Episode 0136 (MP3)
Moses Goes Back Up Mount Sinai To God
3 August 2020 Exodus 34:4-26
Episode 0137 (MP3)
Moses Shines With The Glory Of God
4 August 2020 Exodus 34:27-35
Episode 0138 (MP3)
Moses Solicits Materials For The Tabernacle From The People Of Israel
5 August 2020 Exodus 35:1-13
Episode 0139 (MP3)
A Description Of The Building Of The Tabernacle
6 August 2020 Exodus 35:14-38:7
Episode 0140 (MP3)
A Description Of The Building Of The Tabernacle
7 August 2020 Exodus 38:8-39:31
Episode 0141 (MP3)
The Tabernacle Assembled
10 August 2020 Exodus 39:32-33
Leviticus 8:1-17;
Numbers 7:1, 89-8:4
Episode 0142 (MP3)
The Tabernacle Assembled & Dedicated
11 August 2020 Leviticus 8:18-36;
Numbers 7:1-17; 8:5-21
Episode 0143 (MP3)
The Tabernacle Assembled & Dedicated
12 August 2020 Leviticus 6:22-27; 9:1-23;
Numbers 3:5-13; 7:18-59; 8:21-26
Episode 0144 (MP3)
The Tabernacle Assembled & Dedicated
13 August 2020 Exodus 40:34-38;
Leviticus 9:22-10:20;
Numbers 6:24-26
Episode 0145 (MP3)
The Tabernacle Assembled & Dedicated, Then, A Census Is Taken
14 August 2020 Numbers 1:1-50; 7:60-88; 9:1-14
Episode 0146 (MP3)
The Camp Of Israel Is Arranged & The Levites Duties Detailed
17 August 2020 Numbers 1:45-3:40
Episode 0147 (MP3)
The Levites Duties Detailed
18 August 2020 Numbers 3:39-4:41
Episode 0148 (MP3)
Levitical Rules For Offerings
19 August 2020 Leviticus 1:1-4:26
Episode 0149 (MP3)
Levitical Rules For Offerings
20 August 2020 Leviticus 4:27-6:30
Episode 0150 (MP3)
Levitical Rules For Offerings & Kosher Food Laws
21 August 2020 Leviticus 7:1-38; 11:1-25
Episode 0151 (MP3)
Levitical Rules For Kosher Food Laws & Ceremonial Purification After Childbirth
24 August 2020 Leviticus 11:26-12:8
Episode 0152 (MP3)
Levitical Rules For Evaluating Marks Of Leprosy
25 August 2020 Leviticus 13:1-49
Episode 0153 (MP3)
Levitical Rules For Evaluating Marks Of Leprosy & Providing Ceremonial Cleansing Afterward
26 August 2020 Leviticus 13:47-14:57
Episode 0154 (MP3)
Levitical Rules For Ceremonial Cleansing After Various Bodily Discharges
27 August 2020 Leviticus 15:1-16:2
Episode 0155 (MP3)
Levitical Rules For Observing The Day Of Atonement
28 August 2020 Leviticus 16:1-34
Episode 0156 (MP3)
Levitical Rules For Making Sacrifices & Dealing With Blood
31 August 2020 Leviticus 17:1-18:9
Episode 0157 (MP3)
Levitical Rules Regarding Sexual Relationships
1 September 2020 Leviticus 18:6-19:8
Episode 0158 (MP3)
Levitical Rules On Miscellaneous Subjects
2 September 2020 Leviticus 19:9-22
Episode 0159 (MP3)
Levitical Rules On Miscellaneous Subjects
3 September 2020 Leviticus 19:23-20:5
Episode 0160 (MP3)
Levitical Rules On Miscellaneous Subjects
4 September 2020 Leviticus 20:6-21:6
Episode 0161 (MP3)
Levitical Rules Regarding Priests
7 September 2020 Leviticus 21:7-22:14
Episode 0162 (MP3)
Levitical Rules Regarding Offerings & The Feasts Of The LORD
8 September 2020 Leviticus 22:15-23:14
Episode 0163 (MP3)
Levitical Rules Regarding The Feasts Of The LORD
9 September 2020 Leviticus 23:15-38
Episode 0164 (MP3)
Levitical Rules Regarding The Feasts Of The LORD
10 September 2020 Leviticus 23:39-44
Episode 0165 (MP3)
Levitical Rules Regarding The Holy Oil And Bread, Blasphemy & "Eye For An Eye..." Judgements
11 September 2020 Leviticus 24:1-23
Episode 0166 (MP3)
Levitical Rules Regarding The Sabbatical Year & The Year Of Jubilee
14 September 2020 Leviticus 25:1-31
Episode 0167 (MP3)
Levitical Rules Regarding The Redemption Of Property & People
15 September 2020 Leviticus 25:32-26:16
Episode 0168 (MP3)
God Reviews The Blessing & Curses Of The Covenant
16 September 2020 Leviticus 26:14-46
Episode 0169 (MP3)
Levitical Rules Regarding Miscellaneous Subjects
17 September 2020 Numbers 5:1-31
Episode 0170 (MP3)
Levitical Rules Regarding Nazarites & Valuations For Redemption Purposes
18 September 2020 Numbers 6:1-21;
Leviticus 27:1-10
Episode 0171 (MP3)
Levitical Rules Regarding Valuations For Redemption Purposes
21 September 2020 Leviticus 27:9-34
Episode 0172 (MP3)
The Making Of The Silver Trumpets & The Departure From Mount Sinai
22 September 2020 Numbers 10:1-36
Episode 0173 (MP3)
The People Complain & God Has Moses Appoint Additional Leaders
23 September 2020 Numbers 11:1-26
Episode 0174 (MP3)
God Miraculously Provides Quail To Eat & Moses Is Criticized By His Siblings For His Marriage To A Black Woman
24 September 2020 Numbers 11:25-12:10
Episode 0175 (MP3)
God Punishes Miriam With Leprosy & Moses Sends Twelve Spies Into Canaan
25 September 2020 Numbers 12:1-13:22
Episode 0176 (MP3)
Ten Of The Spies Return With A Faithless Report, Bringing Trouble To Israel
28 September 2020 Numbers 13:17-14:10
Episode 0177 (MP3)
God Punishes The Faithless Generation Of Israel With Being Barred From The Promised Land
29 September 2020 Numbers 14:1-16:3
Episode 0178 (MP3)
God Punishes Those Involved In Korah's Rebellion
30 September 2020 Numbers 16:1-45
Episode 0179 (MP3)
God Upholds The Aaronic Priesthood & Provides Rules For The Priests
1 October 2020 Numbers 16:41-18:14
Episode 0180 (MP3)
God Provides Rules For The Priests & Purification Rules For Israel
2 October 2020 Numbers 18:15-19:22
Episode 0181 (MP3)
God Provides Rules For The Priests & Purification Rules For Israel
5 October 2020 Numbers 33:18-36a;
Psalm 90
Numbers 20:1-11
Episode 0182 (MP3)
Miriam Dies, Moses Is Barred From Entering The Promised Land & Edom Refuses Israel Passage Through Their Land
6 October 2020 Numbers 20:1-22
Episode 0183 (MP3)
Aaron Dies, Arad Attacks Israel & God Has Moses Make The Bronze Serpent
7 October 2020 Numbers 20:22-21:12
Episode 0184 (MP3)
Israel Miraculously Defeasts Sihon The Amorite & Og Of Bashan
8 October 2020 Numbers 21:13-22:14
Episode 0185 (MP3)
Balak Of Moab Brings Balaam The Prophet To Curse Israel, But God Has Him Bless Israel
9 October 2020 Numbers 22:15-23:5
Episode 0186 (MP3)
God Forces Balaam To Bless Israel
12 October 2020 Numbers 23:1-24:11
Episode 0187 (MP3)
Balaam Helps Balak Tempt Israel To Engage In Sin, Bringing God's Judgment Upon The Sinners
13 October 2020 Numbers 24:9-25:6
Episode 0188 (MP3)
The End Of The Forty Years In The Wilderness Necessitates A New Census
14 October 2020 Numbers 25:1-27:21
Episode 0189 (MP3)
Joshua Is To Succeed Moses & Various Offerings Throughout The Year Are Described
15 October 2020 Numbers 27:16-29:40
Episode 0190 (MP3)
Levitical Rules For Vows & Future Vegeance For Midian
16 October 2020 Numbers 30:1-31:54
Episode 0191 (MP3)
The Eastern Annexed Territories, The Encampments Of The Forty Years & The Promised Land Boundaries Described
19 October 2020 Numbers 32:1-34:12
Episode 0192 (MP3)
Levitical Cities & Cities Of Refuge
20 October 2020 Numbers 34:12-35:34
Episode 0193 (MP3)
Levitical Rules Of Inheritance For Women Heirs & Moses Begins His Final, Summary Address To Israel
21 October 2020 Numbers 36:1-13;
Deuteronomy 1:1-40
Episode 0194 (MP3)
Moses Reviews Israel's Wilderness Experience
22 October 2020 Deuteronomy 1:41-3:17
Episode 0195 (MP3)
Moses Warns Israel Against Disobedience Toward "He Who Is" God
23 October 2020 Deuteronomy 3:18-4:24
Episode 0196 (MP3)
Moses Urges Israel To Worship "He Who Is" As The Only God
26 October 2020 Deuteronomy 4:9-49
Episode 0197 (MP3)
Moses Reviews The Giving Of The Ten Commandments
27 October 2020 Deuteronomy 5:1-22
Episode 0198 (MP3)
Moses Speaks Of The Greatest Commandment
28 October 2020 Deuteronomy 5:22-6:25
Episode 0199 (MP3)
Moses Reminds Israel That They Are The Chosen People Of "He Who Is" God
29 October 2020 Deuteronomy 7:1-8:3
Episode 0200 (MP3)
Moses Reminds Israel That They Were Provided For By "He Who Is" God
30 October 2020 Deuteronomy 8:1-9:7
Episode 0201 (MP3)
Moses Recalls The Gold Calf Incident
2 November 2020 Deuteronomy 9:6-10:11
Episode 0202 (MP3)
Moses Commands Israel To Love & Serve "He Who Is" God
3 November 2020 Deuteronomy 10:12-11:25
Episode 0203 (MP3)
Moses Instructs Israel About Having One Worship Site
4 November 2020 Deuteronomy 11:26-12:31
Episode 0204 (MP3)
Moses Warns Israel Against False Prophets
5 November 2020 Deuteronomy 12:29-14:8
Episode 0205 (MP3)
Scriptural Teaching About Clean & Unclean Foods
6 November 2020 Deuteronomy 14:9-29
Mark 7:14-23
Episode 0206 (MP3)
Moses Speaks About The Sabbatical Year & About Passover
9 November 2020 Deuteronomy 15:1-16:8
Episode 0207 (MP3)
Moses Speaks About Pentecost & Tabernacles, Then About Priests & Judges In Israel
10 November 2020 Deuteronomy 16:9-17:13
Episode 0208 (MP3)
Moses Speaks About Kings, Priests, Judges & Occultic Practices In Israel
11 November 2020 Deuteronomy 17:14-18:14
Episode 0209 (MP3)
Moses Speaks About The Coming Propet, Cities Of Refuge, Property Markers & Witnesses
12 November 2020 Deuteronomy 18:15-19:21
Episode 0210 (MP3)
Moses Speaks About Laws Of Warfare, Unwitnessed Murders, Marriage To POWs, Rights Of The Firstborn & Dealing With A Rebellious Son
13 November 2020 Deuteronomy 20-21:17
Episode 0211 (MP3)
Moses Speaks About Those Hanged On Trees Being Cursed & About Some Miscellaneous Laws
16 November 2020 Deuteronomy 21:18-22:7
Episode 0212 (MP3)
Moses Speaks About Some Miscellaneous Laws
17 November 2020 Deuteronomy 22:8-30
Episode 0213 (MP3)
Moses Speaks About Some Miscellaneous Laws
18 November 2020 Deuteronomy 23:1-20
Episode 0214 (MP3)
Moses Speaks About Some Miscellaneous Laws
19 November 2020 Deuteronomy 23:21-24:6
Episode 0215 (MP3)
Moses Speaks About Some Miscellaneous Laws
20 November 2020 Deuteronomy 24:7-25:3
Episode 0216 (MP3)
Moses Speaks About Some Miscellaneous Laws
23 November 2020 Deuteronomy 25:4-16
Episode 0217 (MP3)
Moses Speaks About Some Miscellaneous Laws
24 November 2020 Deuteronomy 25:17-27:8
Episode 0218 (MP3)
Moses Describes The Blessing & Cursing Ceremony To Be Done Near Shechem
25 November 2020 Deuteronomy 27:1-28:24
Episode 0219 (MP3)
Moses Continues Speaking About The Blessings & Curses Associated With The Covenant
26 November 2020 Deuteronomy 28:20-64
Episode 0220 (MP3)
Moses Reviews The Covenant
27 November 2020 Deuteronomy 28:58-29:29
Episode 0221 (MP3)
Moses Urges Israel To Chose Obedience & Life
30 November 2020 Deuteronomy 30:1-31:8
Episode 0222 (MP3)
Moses Writes Down His Words, Designates Joshua As His Successor & Begins His "Song Of Moses"
1 December 2020 Deuteronomy 31:9-32:14
Episode 0223 (MP3)
The "Song Of Moses" Before His Death
2 December 2020 Deuteronomy 32:9-52
Episode 0224 (MP3)
The Final Blessings Of Moses On Israel
3 December 2020 Deuteronomy 32:48-33:29
Episode 0225 (MP3)
The Death & Burial Of Moses, Israel's 30 Days Of Mourning, And Joshua's Spies Cross The Jordan & Enter Jericho
4 December 2020 Deuteronomy 34:1-12;
Joshua 2:1-14
Episode 0227 (MP3)
Joshua's Spies Return From Jericho & Israel Prepares To Cross The Jordan
7 December 2020 Joshua 2:8-22; 1:1-9
Episode 0228 (MP3)
Israel Miraculously Crosses The Jordan
8 December 2020 Joshua 1:10-18; 3:1-17
Episode 0228 (MP3)
Israel Enters The Promised Land
9 December 2020 Joshua 3:14-5:9
Episode 0229 (MP3)
Israel Circumcises Many Of Their Number & Observes Their First Passover In The Promised Land
10 December 2020 Joshua 5:10-6:14
Episode 0230 (MP3)
Jericho Miraculously Destroyed, But Israel Then Suffers A Military Loss At Ai
11 December 2020 Joshua 6:15-7:5
Episode 0231 (MP3)
Israel Identifies, Then Executes Those Responsible For The Loss At Ai
14 December 2020 Joshua 7:1-24
Episode 0232 (MP3)
Israel Defeats The Army Of Ai & Bethel
15 December 2020 Joshua 7:20-8:29
Episode 0233 (MP3)
Israel Has Their Blessing & Cursing Ceremony At Shechem, Then Enters Into A Covenant With The Gibeonites
16 December 2020 Joshua 8:30-9:18
Episode 0234 (MP3)
Israel Defends The Gibeonites, Kicking Off Their Campaign To Expel The Canaanites From Southern Canaan
17 December 2020 Joshua 9:16-10:19
Episode 0235 (MP3)
Joshua Leads Israel In A Successful Campaign In Southern Canaan
18 December 2020 Joshua 10:16-11:3
Episode 0236 (MP3)
Joshua Leads Israel In A Successful Campaign In Northern Canaan
21 December 2020 Joshua 11:1-22
Episode 0237 (MP3)
Summary Of Israel's Campaigns In Canaan & The Land Allotments For Reuben, Gad & Manasseh On The East Side Of The Jordan River
22 December 2020 Joshua 11:23-14:15
Episode 0238 (MP3)
The Divine Land Allotment For Judah
23 December 2020 Joshua 15:1-63
Episode 0239 (MP3)
The Divine Land Allotments For Ephraim & Manasseh
24 December 2020 Joshua 16:1-17:18
Judges 1:1-16
Episode 0240 (MP3)
The Divine Land Allotments For Benjamin, Simeon, Zebulun, Issachar, Asher, Naphtali & Dan
25 December 2020 Joshua 18:1-19:48
Judges 1:17-20
Episode 0241 (MP3)
The Land Allotment For Joshua, The Designation Of The Cities Of Refuge & The Divine Land Allotment For The Levites
28 December 2020 Joshua 19:49-21:45
Episode 0242 (MP3)
A Civil War Nearly Occurs When The Tribes Of The Eastern Territories Erect A Memorial Altar & Israel Fails To Occupy The Land As Instructed
29 December 2020 Joshua 22:1-34;
Judges 1:21-30
Episode 0243 (MP3)
Israel Fails To Occupy The Land As Instructed & Moses' Grandson Becomes The Personal Priest Of A Man In Ephraim
30 December 2020 Judges 1:31-2:5; 17:1-18:1
Episode 0244 (MP3)
Some Danites Establish Themselves A City & An Idolatrous Cult In The Northern City Of Dan, With Moses' Grandson As Their First Priest
31 December 2020 Judges 18:1-31;
Joshua 23:1-4
Episode 0245 (MP3)
Joshua Urges Israel To Lay Aside Their Idols And Serve "He Who Is" God Alone
1 January 2021 Joshua 23:1-24:28
Episode 0246 (MP3)
After Joshua's Death, Israel Settles Into A Pattern Of Sin, Subjugation, Suffering, Supplication & Salvation By A Judge Sent By God, The First Judge Being Othniel
4 January 2021 Joshua 24:29-33;
Judges 2:6-3:11
Episode 0247 (MP3)
A Rape & Murder At Gibeah Brings A United Israeli Army Against The Tribe Of Benjamin
5 January 2021 Judges 19:1-20:17
Episode 0248 (MP3)
The Tribe Of Benjamin Nearly Wiped Out During Its War With A United Israeli Army
6 January 2021 Judges 20:18-21:25
Episode 0249 (MP3)
The Judgeships Of Ehud & Shamgar
7 January 2021 Judges 3:11-4:3
Episode 0250 (MP3)
The Judgeships Of Deborah & Barak
8 January 2021 Judges 4:1-24
Episode 0251 (MP3)
The Song Of Deborah & Barak
11 January 2021 Judges 5:1-6:6
Episode 0252 (MP3)
The Call Of Gideon
12 January 2021 Judges 6:1-35
Episode 0253 (MP3)
Gideon & His 300 Men Prepare To Attack The Midianite & Amalakite Allied Army
13 January 2021 Judges 6:33-7:22
Episode 0254 (MP3)
Gideon & His 300 Defeat The Midianite & Amalakite Allied Army, Establishing His Judgeship
14 January 2021 Judges 7:19-8:28
Episode 0255 (MP3)
The Tyranny Of Abimelech, Son Of Gideon
15 January 2021 Judges 8:29-9:29
Episode 0256 (MP3)
The Death Of Abimelech, Son Of Gideon
18 January 2021 Judges 9:26-10:4
Episode 0257 (MP3)
The Bitter Life Of Naomi Of Bethlehem
19 January 2021 Ruth 1:1-2:3
Episode 0258 (MP3)
The Developing Relationship Between Ruth & Boaz
20 January 2021 Ruth 2:2-3:2
Episode 0259 (MP3)
How Naomi Helped Ruth To Get Boaz To Ask Her To Marry Him, Putting Them All Into The Family Trees Of David & Jesus
21 January 2021 Ruth 3:1-4:22
Episode 0260 (MP3)
The Judgeships Of Tola, Jair & The Call Of Jephthah To Save Gilead
22 January 2021 Judges 10:1-11:28
Episode 0261 (MP3)
Jephthah's Tragic Vow & The Judgeships Of Jephthah, Ibzan, Elon & Abdon
25 January 2021 Judges 11:28-13:1
Episode 0262 (MP3)
The Rise Of The Philistine Menace & The Birth Of Samuel
26 January 2021 Judges 13:1;
1 Samuel 1:1-28
Episode 0263 (MP3)
The Song Of Hannah & The Childhood Of Samuel
27 January 2021 1 Samuel 2:1-34
Episode 0264 (MP3)
Samuel Becomes The Prophet-Judge Of Israel At Shiloh & The Angelic Announcement Of Samson's Birth
28 January 2021 1 Samuel 2:31-3:21;
Judges 13:1-8
Episode 0265 (MP3)
Samson Wants To Marry A Philistine Woman
29 January 2021 Judges 13:8-14:7
Episode 0266 (MP3)
Samson Fights With The Philistines
1 February 2021 Judges 14:8-15:13
Episode 0267 (MP3)
The Judgeship Of Samson
2 February 2021 Judges 15:11-16:15
Episode 0268 (MP3)
The Death Of Samson & The Destruction Of The Dagon Temple At Gaza
3 February 2021 Judges 16:15-31;
1 Samuel 4:1
Episode 0269 (MP3)
The Philistines Capture The Ark Of The Covenant During Their Invasion Of Israel In Order To Destroy Shiloh's Tabernacle
4 February 2021 1 Samuel 4:1-22
Episode 0270 (MP3)
The Philistines, After Suffering Under God's Judgement, Decide To Return The Ark Of The Covenant To Israeli Territory
5 February 2021 1 Samuel 5:1-6:9
Episode 0271 (MP3)
The Ark Of The Covenant Ends Up At Kiriath Jearim
8 February 2021 1 Samuel 6:10-7:6
Episode 0272 (MP3)
After Defeating The Philistines, Samuel Becomes Israel's Sole Judge For Twenty Years, After Which They Ask Him To Give Them A King Like All The Surrounding Nations
9 February 2021 1 Samuel 7:5-8:17
Episode 0273 (MP3)
At God's Direction, Samuel Warns The Israelis What Kind Of Tyranny A King Of The Sort They Desire Will Engage In
10 February 2021 1 Samuel 8:10-9:16
Episode 0274 (MP3)
At God's Direction, Samuel Privately Anoints Saul Of Gibeah As King
11 February 2021 1 Samuel 9:15-10:16
Episode 0275 (MP3)
Saul Is Publically Anointed King Of Israel By Samuel
12 February 2021 1 Samuel 10:17-11:10
Episode 0276 (MP3)
After Defeating Nahash The Ammonite, Saul Is Affirmed As King Of Israel
15 February 2021 1 Samuel 11:11-13:2
Episode 0277 (MP3)
Saul Disobeys Samuel's Instruction During His Preparation For War With The Philistines
16 February 2021 1 Samuel 13:1-14:2
Episode 0278 (MP3)
Jonathan Demonstrates His Faith In God By Starting The War With The Philistines
17 February 2021 1 Samuel 14:1-37
Episode 0279 (MP3)
The Israelis Barely Save Jonathan From Being Executed By Saul Over An Unwise Vow & Saul Then Disobeys God's Instructions Regarding His Divine Judgement On The Amalekites
18 February 2021 1 Samuel 14:36-15:14
Episode 0280 (MP3)
Samuel Informs Saul That God Has Rejected Him As King & Then Publicly Executes King Agag Of The Amalekites
19 February 2021 1 Samuel 15:10-35
Episode 0281 (MP3)
God Has Samuel Private Anoint David of Bethlehem As The Future King
22 February 2021 1 Samuel 16:1-14
Episode 0282 (MP3)
Young David Becomes Saul's Attendant & The Philistines Invade The Elah Valley
23 February 2021 1 Samuel 16:13-17:9
Episode 0283 (MP3)
David Volunteers To Fight Goliath
24 February 2021 1 Samuel 17:4-43
Episode 0284 (MP3)
David Defeats Goliath & Israel Defeats The Philistine Invaders Of The Elah Valley
25 February 2021 1 Samuel 17:40-54; 18:1-4
Episode 0285 (MP3)
Saul Becomes Increasingly Envious & Fearful Of David
26 February 2021 1 Samuel 18:1-23
Episode 0286 (MP3)
Saul Continues To Fear David & Tries To Kill Him On Different Occasions
1 March 2021 1 Samuel 18:20-19:17
Episode 0287 (MP3)
David Escapes To Samuel & Saul Is Possessed By God's Spirit And Made To Prophesy
2 March 2021 Psalm 59; 1 Samuel 19:18-24
Episode 0288 (MP3)
David Seeks Jonathan's Assistance In Evaluating Saul's Intentions Toward Him
3 March 2021 1 Samuel 20:1-21:3
Episode 0289 (MP3)
David Gains Goliath's Sword, Fakes Insanity At Gath & Establishes His Hideout At Adullam
4 March 2021 1 Samuel 21:1-22:3
Episode 0290 (MP3)
David Establishes Himself & His Followers In Judean Hideouts
5 March 2021 Psalms 34 & 56; 1 Samuel 22:1-6
Episode 0291 (MP3)
Doeg Destroys The Priests At Nob & David Saves The City Of Keilah From The Philistines
8 March 2021 1 Samuel 22:1-23:13; 1 Chronicles 12:8-15
Episode 0292 (MP3)
David Barely Escapes From King Saul In The Judean Wilderness Of Maon
9 March 2021 1 Samuel 23:6-28; Psalms 54 & 63
Episode 0293 (MP3)
David Spares Saul's Life In A Cave Near En-Gedi
10 March 2021 1 Samuel 24:1-22; Psalm 57
Episode 0294 (MP3)
Some Of David's Psalms Requesting God's Assistance Against Evil Oppressors
11 March 2021 Psalms 142, 4, 7. 17 & 26-27
Episode 0295 (MP3)
Some Of David's Psalms Requesting God's Assistance Against Evil Oppressors
12 March 2021 Psalms 27-28 & 35-36
Episode 0296 (MP3)
Some Of David's Psalms Requesting God's Assistance Against Evil Opponents
15 March 2021 Psalms 40; 58 & 62
Episode 0297 (MP3)
Some Of David's Psalms Requesting God's Assistance Against Evil Opponents
16 March 2021 Psalms 64; 70; 86; 140-141 & 143; 1 Samuel 25:1
Episode 0298 (MP3)
Samuel Dies & Nabal Of Maon Insults David
17 March 2021 1 Samuel 25:1-38
Episode 0299 (MP3)
David Spares Saul's Life A Second Time & Then Departs Into Philistia
18 March 2021 1 Samuel 25:39-27:4
Episode 0300 (MP3)
David Seeks Assylum In Gath & Raids Non-Israeli Communites In The Negeb
19 March 2021 1 Samuel 27:1-28:2; 1 Chronicles 12:1-7, 16-18
Episode 0301 (MP3)
David Sent Back To Ziklag By The Philistine Lords & Finds It Has Been Raided By Amalekites
22 March 2021 1 Samuel 28:1-2; 29:1-30:14; 1 Chronicles 12:19-22
Episode 0302 (MP3)
David Rescues His People & Saul Seeks A Necromancer To Consult The Deceased Prophet Samuel
23 March 2021 1 Samuel 30:11-31; 28:3-19
Episode 0303 (MP3)
King Saul & Prince Jonathan and Many Israelis Die At The Battle Of Mount Gilboa
24 March 2021 1 Samuel 28:15-15; 31:1-13; 2 Samuel 1:1-12
Episode 0304 (MP3)
David Becomes King Of Judah At Hebron, While Ish-Baal Becomes King Over The Rest Of Israel At Mahanaim
25 March 2021 2 Samuel 1:11-2:10
Episode 0305 (MP3)
The Civil War Between Ish-Baal & David Begins At Gibeon
26 March 2021 2 Samuel 2:8-32
Episode 0306 (MP3)
Angered By An Accusation From Ish-Baal, Abner Arranges To Turn The Entire Kingdom Over To David
29 March 2021 2 Samuel 3:1-16
Episode 0307 (MP3)
David Grieves After Joab Murders Abner & Ish-Baal Is Assassinated By Two Benjamite Brothers
30 March 2021 2 Samuel 3:17-4:8
Episode 0308 (MP3)
David Executes The Assassins Of Ish-Baal & Is Declared King Of United Israel At Hebron
31 March 2021 2 Samuel 4:5-5:5; 22:1-36 (Psalm 18)
1 Chronicles 11:1-3; 12:23-38
Episode 0309 (MP3)
David's Praises God For Saving Him And Making Him King & Joab Takes The City Of Jerusalem For David
1 April 2021 2 Samuel 22:32-51 (Psalm 18); 2 Samuel 5:6-10
1 Chronicles 11:4-9
Episode 0310 (MP3)
David Fails To Bring The Ark To Jerusalem In An Appropriate Manner
2 April 2021 2 Samuel 6:1-11; 5:11-12
1 Chronicles 13:1-14:2
Episode 0311 (MP3)
David Defeats The Philistines Twice & Then Prepares To Bring The Ark To Jerusalem In The Proper Manner
5 April 2021 2 Samuel 5:17-25
1 Chronicles 14:8-15:24
Episode 0312 (MP3)
David Successfully & Properly Brings The Ark Of The Covenant To Jerusalem Amidst Great Celebration
6 April 2021 2 Samuel 6:12-19
1 Chronicles 15:25-16:43
Episode 0313 (MP3)
David Has A Fight With Michal On The Same Day He Was Praising God For The Arrival Of The Ark At Jerusalem
7 April 2021 2 Samuel 6:20-7:3
Psalms 24 & 30
Episode 0314 (MP3)
God Refuses David's Desire To Build The Temple, But With Great Promises Regarding The Future
8 April 2021 2 Samuel 7:1-8:3
1 Chronicles 17:1-18:3
Episode 0315 (MP3)
A Short Catalogue Of David's Military Victories, Securing Israel's Borders
9 April 2021 2 Samuel 8:1-18
1 Chronicles 18:1-17
Psalm 60
Episode 0316 (MP3)
Some Of David's Undated Psalms
12 April 2021 Psalms 8 & 19-21
Episode 0317 (MP3)
Some Of David's Undated Psalms
13 April 2021 Psalms 101, 103, 110 & 139
Episode 0318 (MP3)
An Undated Psalm Of Davd & Some Acrostic Psalms, Including The Longest Psalm
14 April 2021 Psalms 133, 145, 111-112 & 119:1-16
Episode 0319 (MP3)
More From The Longest Psalm
15 April 2021 Psalm 119:17-104
Episode 0320 (MP3)
Finishing The Longest Psalm
16 April 2021 Psalm 119:105-176
Episode 0321 (MP3)
David Honors Merib-Baal, Jonathan's Son, But Allows Others In Saul's Family To Be Executed By The Gibeonites
19 April 2021 2 Samuel 9:1-13; 211-14
Episode 0322 (MP3)
A List Of David's Top Commanders & How The Ammonites Insulted David's Ambassadors Of Condolence To Them
20 April 2021 2 Samuel 23:8-39; 10:1-6
1 Chronicles 11:10-47; 19:1-6
Episode 0323 (MP3)
Israel Defeats The Syrians, Placing The Ammonites Under Siege & David Commits Adultery With Bathsheba
21 April 2021 2 Samuel 10:6-11:9
1 Chronicles 19:6-20:1
Episode 0324 (MP3)
David Has Uriah The Hittite Killed In Battle & Marries His Pregnant Widow, Bathsheba
22 April 2021 2 Samuel 11:6-12:6
Episode 0325 (MP3)
Nathan Confronts David With His Sin, Prompting His Repentance
23 April 2021 2 Samuel 12:1-23
Psalm 51:1-12
Episode 0326 (MP3)
David's Psalms About Forgiveness, The Birth Of Solomon & The Taking Of Rabbath-Ammon
26 April 2021 Psalms 51 & 32
2 Samuel 12:24-31
Episode 0327 (MP3)
Prince Amnon Rapes Princess Tamar & Prince Absalom Plots The Execution Of His Half Brother
27 April 2021 2 Samuel 3:3-5; 13:1-28
1 Chronicles 3:1-9
Episode 0328 (MP3)
Prince Absalom Executes His Brother, Escapes To His Grandfather's Kingdom In Aram, But Is Finally Allowed To Come Back To Israel
28 April 2021 2 Samuel 13:23-28
Episode 0329 (MP3)
Prince Absalom Plans For And Initiates A Coup Against King David, Who Immediately Evacuates His People From Jerusalem
29 April 2021 2 Samuel 14:28-15:23
Episode 0330 (MP3)
David Evacuates His People From Jerusalem Ahead Of Absalom's Arrival
30 April 2021 2 Samuel 15:23-16:23
Episode 0331 (MP3)
Psalms That May Have Been Written During The Absalom Coup
3 May 2021 Psalms 3, 31, 55 & 69
Episode 0332 (MP3)
More Psalms That David May Have Written During The Absalom Coup
4 May 2021 Psalms 69:16ff, 22 & 109
Episode 0333 (MP3)
David's Forces Escape To Mahanaim, From Which They Carry Out A Successful Military Campaign
5 May 2021 2 Samuel 16:23-18:8
Episode 0334 (MP3)
David Grieves Over Absalom, After He Was Killed By Joab
6 May 2021 2 Samuel 18:6-19:10
Episode 0335 (MP3)
David Returns Across The Jordan To His Throne At Jerusalem
7 May 2021 2 Samuel 19:11-20:1
Episode 0336 (MP3)
David Has To Put Down Sheba's Rebellion & A Philistine Uprising
10 May 2021 2 Samuel 20:1-25; 21:15-22; 24:1
1 Chronicles 20:4-8; 21:1
Episode 0337 (MP3)
David's Numbering Of His Military Men Brings About The Judgment Of God
11 May 2021 2 Samuel 24:1-15
1 Chronicles 21:1-13
Episode 0338 (MP3)
The Judgment Of God Ends On The Site Of The Future Temple
12 May 2021 2 Samuel 24:16-25
1 Chronicles 21:14-22:1
Episode 0339 (MP3)
As His Health Declines, David Works With Solomon On Preparing For The Building Of The Temple
13 May 2021 1 Kings 1:1-7
1 Chronicles 22:1-19
Episode 0340 (MP3)
After Adonijah Declares Himself King, David Has Solomon Declared As The True King
14 May 2021 1 Kings 1:5-50
Episode 0341 (MP3)
King Solomon Spares Adonijah & King David Organizes The Kingdom For Young King Solomon
17 May 2021 1 Kings 1:49-53
1 Chronicles 23-27
Episode 0342 (MP3)
David Addresses The People & Solomon About The Building Of The Temple
18 May 2021 1 Chronicles 28:1-29:8
Episode 0343 (MP3)
David Leads Israel In Worship & A Look At Some Psalms
19 May 2021 1 Chronicles 29:9-25
Psalm 2 & 5
Episode 0344 (MP3)
Some Undated Psalms, Most Of David
20 May 2021 Psalms 6, 9-11
Episode 0345 (MP3)
Some Undated Psalms, Most of David
21 May 2021 Psalms 12-15, 1, 16 & 25
Episode 0346 (MP3)
Undated Psalms, Some Of David
24 May 2021 Psalms 29, 33 & 37:1-30
Episode 0347 (MP3)
Undated Psalms, Some Of David
25 May 2021 Psalms 37:30-40; 38-39 & 41-42
Episode 0348 (MP3)
Undated Psalms
26 May 2021 Psalms 43-48
Episode 0349 (MP3)
Undated Psalms
27 May 2021 Psalms 48-50. 61, 65-67
Episode 0350 (MP3)
Some Undated Psalms Of David
28 May 2021 Psalms 68, 122, 124, 131, 133 & 138
Episode 0351 (MP3)
King David Dies & Young King Solomon Secures His Kingdom
31 May 2021 1 Kings 2:1-35
1 Chronicles 29:26-30
Episode 0352 (MP3)
King Solomon Gifted By God With Great Wisdom
1 June 2021 1 Kings 2:36-3:15
2 Chronicles 1:1
Episode 0353 (MP3)
King Solomon's Wisdom Demonstrated & The Beginning Of His Building Of The Temple
2 June 2021 1 Kings 3:16-4:6; 5:1-6
Psalms 72 & 127
Episode 0354 (MP3)
King Solomon Begins Building The Temple
3 June 2021 1 Kings 5:1-6:2
2 Chronicles 2:1-3:3
Episode 0355 (MP3)
Basic Description Of Solomon's Temple
4 June 2021 1 Kings 6:2-20
2 Chronicles 3:3-9
Episode 0356 (MP3)
Description Of Solomon's Shrine Building & Court
7 June 2021 1 Kings 6:14-36
2 Chronicles 3:8-14
Episode 0357 (MP3)
Description Of The Bronze Pillars & The Bronze Water Tank
8 June 2021 1 Kings 7:13-28
2 Chronicles 3:8-9, 15-17; 4:2-5
Episode 0358 (MP3)
Description Of The Water Basins, The Bronze Altar, The Lampstands, The Tables & All The Implements
9 June 2021 1 Kings 7:27-51
2 Chronicles 4:6-5:1
Episode 0359 (MP3)
Solomon Gathers Israel Together For The Dedication Of The Temple
10 June 2021 1 Kings 4:37-38; 8:1-21
2 Chronicles 5:2-11
Episode 0360 (MP3)
Solomon's Prayer Of Dedication For The Temple
11 June 2021 1 Kings 8:22-53
2 Chronicles 5:12-6:39
Episode 0361 (MP3)
Solomon & Israel Celebrate God's Supernatural Dedication Of The Temple
14 June 2021 1 Kings 8:54-66
2 Chronicles 6:40-7:10
Episode 0362 (MP3)
God Speaks To Solomon A Second Time
15 June 2021 1 Kings 8:65-9:9
2 Chronicles 7:8-22
Episode 0363 (MP3)
Psalms of Asaph
16 June 2021 Psalms 73, 76 & 78:1-60
Episode 0364 (MP3)
Psalms of Asaph & the Sons of Korah
17 June 2021 Psalms 78:56ff, 81-82, 84 & 87
Episode 0365 (MP3)
Various Psalms
18 June 2021 Psalms 88 & 91-93
Episode 0366 (MP3)
Various Psalms
21 June 2021 Psalms 94-98
Episode 0367 (MP3)
Various Psalms
22 June 2021 Psalms 99-100, 104, & 105:1-25
Episode 0368 (MP3)
Various Psalms
23 June 2021 Psalms 105:26ff & 106-107
Episode 0369 (MP3)
Various Psalms
24 June 2021 Psalms 121, 125, 128, 130, 132 & 134-136
Episode 0370 (MP3)
The Proverbs Of Solomon
25 June 2021 1 Kings 4:29-34
2 Chronicles 9:22-28
Proverbs 1:1-33
Episode 0371 (MP3)
Living By God's Wisdom
28 June 2021 Proverbs 2:1-3:27
Episode 0372 (MP3)
Solomon Advises His Son(s) To Pursue Wisdom
29 June 2021 Proverbs 3:27-5:21
Episode 0373 (MP3)
Solomon Continues To Advise His Son(s) To Pursue Wisdom
30 June 2021 Proverbs 5:15-6:31
Episode 0374 (MP3)
Solomon Continues To Advise His Son(s) To Pursue Wisdom
1 July 2021 Proverbs 6:32-9:9
Episode 0375 (MP3)
Various Proverbs From Solomon
2 July 2021 Proverbs 9:7-10:17
Episode 0376 (MP3)
Various Proverbs From Solomon
5 July 2021 Proverbs 10:18-11:21
Episode 0377 (MP3)
Various Proverbs From Solomon
6 July 2021 Proverbs 11:22-12:24
Episode 0378 (MP3)
Various Proverbs From Solomon
7 July 2021 Proverbs 12:25-14:3
Episode 0379 (MP3)
Various Proverbs From Solomon
8 July 2021 Proverbs 14:4-15:2
Episode 0380 (MP3)
Various Proverbs From Solomon
9 July 2021 Proverbs 15:3-16:5
Episode 0381 (MP3)
Various Proverbs From Solomon
12 July 2021 Proverbs 16:6-17:6
Episode 0382 (MP3)
Various Proverbs From Solomon
13 July 2021 Proverbs 17:7-18:14
Episode 0383 (MP3)
Various Proverbs From Solomon
14 July 2021 Proverbs 18:15-19:24
Episode 0384 (MP3)
Various Proverbs From Solomon
15 July 2021 Proverbs 19:25-20:29
Episode 0385 (MP3)
Various Proverbs From Solomon
16 July 2021 Proverbs 20:30-22:6
Episode 0386 (MP3)
Various Proverbs From Solomon
19 July 2021 Proverbs 22:7-23:18
Episode 0387 (MP3)
Various Proverbs From Solomon
20 July 2021 Proverbs 23:19-24:29
Episode 0388 (MP3)
A Final Proverb Of Solomon & The Introduction To The Song Of Songs
21 July 2021 Proverbs 24:30-25:1
Song 1:1-6
Episode 0389 (MP3)
The Song Of Songs Celebrates Romantic Love
22 July 2021 Song 1:5-2:10
Episode 0390 (MP3)
The Song Of Songs Celebrates Romantic Love
23 July 2021 Song 2:8-4:4
Episode 0391 (MP3)
The Song Of Songs Celebrates Romantic Love
26 July 2021 Song 4:1-6:1
Episode 0392 (MP3)
The Song Of Songs Celebrates Romantic Love
27 July 2021 Song 5:16-7:13
Episode 0393 (MP3)
The Song Of Songs Celebrates Romantic Love
28 July 2021 Song 7:10-8:14
Episode 0394 (MP3)
A Description Of Solomon's Building Projects After The Temple
29 July 2021 1 Kings 7:1-12; 9:10-22
2 Chronicles 8:1-18
Episode 0395 (MP3)
The Queen Of Sheba Visits King Solomon
30 July 2021 1 Kings 9:23-10:13
2 Chronicles 9:1-12
Episode 0396 (MP3)
The Peace & Prosperity Of Solomon's Kingdom
2 August 2021 1 Kings 4:20-25; 10:14-25
2 Chronicles 9:13-24
Episode 0397 (MP3)
Solomon's Apostasy From The Faith Brings God's Judgment
3 August 2021 1 Kings 10:23-11:17
Episode 0398 (MP3)
God Raises Up Adversaries Against Solomon
4 August 2021 1 Kings 11:14-40
Episode 0399 (MP3)
After Solomon Dies, His Kingdom Splits Into Northern Israel & Southern Judah
5 August 2021 1 Kings 11:40-12:24
2 Chronicles 9:29-11:4
Episode 0400 (MP3)
Jereboam Comes Up With A Northern Israel Version Of Worship Using Golden Calves At Bethel & Dan
6 August 2021 1 Kings 12:25-33
2 Chronicles 11:5-17
Episode 0401 (MP3)
An Unnamed Prophet Prophesies Against The Altar Of Bethel During Its Dedication By King Jeroboam
9 August 2021 1 Kings 12:26-13:34
Episode 0402 (MP3)
Rehoboam & Judah Rebel Against God, Resulting In An Invasion By Shishak Of Egypt
10 August 2021 1 Kings 14:21-28
2 Chronicles 11:13-12:12
Episode 0403 (MP3)
Jeroboam's Dynasty Cursed By God & Rehoboam Succeeded By His Son, Abijah
11 August 2021 1 Kings 14:1-20; 14:29-15:6
2 Chronicles 12:15-13:2
Episode 0404 (MP3)
Abijah Of Judah Carries Out A Successful Invasion Of Northern Israel, Moving The Border Northward
12 August 2021 1 Kings 15:1-11, 25-34
2 Chronicles 13:1-14:4
Episode 0405 (MP3)
Asa Acts As Judah's First Revivalist King After God Gave Him Victory Over The Invading Ethiopians
13 August 2021 1 Kings 15:11-22, 32
2 Chronicles 14:2-16:1
Episode 0406 (MP3)
Asa Of Judah Goes Bad & Baasha Of Israel Is Assassinated By Zimri
16 August 2021 1 Kings 15:17-22; 16:1-15
2 Chronicles 16:1-10
Episode 0407 (MP3)
Ahab Becomes King Of Northern Israel & Jehoshaphat Becomes King Of Southern Judah
17 August 2021 1 Kings 16:15-34
2 Chronicles 16:11-12
Episode 0408 (MP3)
Jehoshaphat Strengthens Southern Judah, But Marries His Son To The Princess Of Northern Israel
18 August 2021 1 Kings 22:41-46; 17:1
2 Chronicles 17:1-18:1
Episode 0409 (MP3)
Elijah & The Widow Of Zerephath
19 August 2021 1 Kings 17:1-24
Episode 0410 (MP3)
Elijah Proposes A Contest Between He Who Is & Baal
20 August 2021 1 Kings 18:1-28
Episode 0411 (MP3)
He Who Is Answers Elijah's Prayer On Mount Carmel By Sending Fire On His Sacrifice
23 August 2021 1 Kings 18:20-42
Episode 0412 (MP3)
A Frightened & Depressed Elijah Meets With God At Mount Horeb/Sinai
24 August 2021 1 Kings 18:38-19:14
Episode 0413 (MP3)
Elijah Returns To Israel From Mount Horeb/Sinai & Designates Elisha As His Protege
25 August 2021 1 Kings 19:13-20:7
Episode 0414 (MP3)
God Gives Ahab Assistance Against The Invading Arameans/Syrians
26 August 2021 1 Kings 20:7-42
Episode 0415 (MP3)
Ahab Condemned For The Murder Of Naboth, After Which He Asks Jehoshaphat To Help Him Retake Ramoth-Gilead
27 August 2021 1 Kings 20:43-22:4
2 Chronicles 18:2-3
Episode 0416 (MP3)
Ahab Makes Plans To Retake Ramoth-Gilead From The Syrians
30 August 2021 1 Kings 22:1-28
2 Chronicles 18:1-27
Episode 0417 (MP3)
Ahab Is Killed In Battle At Ramoth-Gilead & Jehoshaphat Repents After Being Rebuked By God's Prophet For Assisting Ahab
31 August 2021 1 Kings 22:29-40
2 Chronicles 18:28-19:11
Episode 0418 (MP3)
Moab Rebels Against Northern Israel & God Saves Southern Judah From An Invasion By Moab, Ammon & Mt. Seir
1 September 2021 1 Kings 22:51-2 Kings 1:1
2 Chronicles 20:1-30
Episode 0419 (MP3)
Ahaziah Of Northern Israel Dies And Is Succeeded By Jehoram & Elijah The Prophet Prepares To Leave
2 September 2021 2 Kings 1:2-2:8
2 Chronicles 20:35-37
Episode 0420 (MP3)
How Elisha Replaced Elijah As The Leading Prophet In Northern Israel
3 September 2021 2 Kings 2:6-25
Episode 0421 (MP3)
The Kings Of Israel, Judah & Edom Attack The King Of Moab
6 September 2021 2 Kings 3:1-27
Episode 0422 (MP3)
Jehoram Of Judah Is An Ungodly King & God Raises Adversaries Against Him
7 September 2021 2 Kings 8:16-22; 4:1-7
2 Chronicles 21:1-19
Episode 0423 (MP3)
Elisha Ministers In Northern Israel, Even Resurrecting A Dead Child
8 September 2021 2 Kings 4:8-21
Episode 0424 (MP3)
The Story Of Elisha & The Syrian Commander, Naaman, The Leper
9 September 2021 2 Kings 4:42-5:14
Episode 0425 (MP3)
The Curse Upon Gehazi & The Continued Ministry Of Elisha
10 September 2021 2 Kings 5:10-6:7
Episode 0426 (MP3)
Elisha's Ministry During A Time Of War Between Northern Israel & Syria
13 September 2021 2 Kings 6:8-33
Episode 0427 (MP3)
Elisha Predicts The End Of The Syrian Siege Of Samaria & Ahaziah Becomes King Of Southern Judah
14 September 2021 2 Kings 7:1-20
2 Chronicles 21:18-22:3
Episode 0428 (MP3)
Jehu Anointed At Ramoth-Gilead As The New King Of Northern Israel
15 September 2021 2 Kings 8:25-9:25
2 Chronicles 22:1-7
Episode 0429 (MP3)
Jehu Eradicates The Northern Israeli Royal Family
16 September 2021 2 Kings 9:21-10:16
2 Chronicles 22:7-9
Episode 0430 (MP3)
Athaliah Usurps The Throne Of Judah, Killing All But One Of The Heirs
17 September 2021 2 Kings 10:15-31; 11:1-6
2 Chronicles 27:10-12
Episode 0431 (MP3)
High Priest Jehoiada Oversees The Coronation Of Young King Jehoash Of Judah
20 September 2021 2 Kings 11:4-12:3; 8:7-11
2 Chronicles 22:12-24:3
Episode 0432 (MP3)
First Syria, Then Assyria Invades The Eastern Part Of Northern Israel & Jehoash Orders The Temple Repaired
21 September 2021 2 Kings 8:7-5; 10:32-36; 13:1-2; 12:4-16
2 Chronicles 12:4-14
Episode 0433 (MP3)
Jehoash Repairs The Temple, But Abandons The True God After His Uncle Jehoaida Dies
22 September 2021 2 Kings 12:4-14:6; 23:3-11
2 Chronicles 24:4-25:4
Episode 0434 (MP3)
The Death Of Elisha & Judah's Reprisals Against Edom
23 September 2021 2 Kings 13:14-14:6
2 Chronicles 25:1-13
Episode 0435 (MP3)
Jeroboam II Rules In Northern Israel And Azariah Rules In Southern Judah; Jonah Runs From God's Presence
24 September 2021 2 Kings 14:15-24
2 Chronicles 25:14-26:5
Jonah 1:1-5
Episode 0436 (MP3)
Jonah Runs From The Lord & Is Swallowed By A Designated Sea Creature
27 September 2021 Jonah 1:1-17
Episode 0437 (MP3)
After Three Days In The Belly Of The Sea Creature, Jonah Goes To Nineveh To Preach That They Had Three Days Until Their Destruction
28 September 2021 Jonah 1:17-3:4
Episode 0438 (MP3)
Jonah Reminded By God Of The Need For Pity Toward Those In Need Of Salvation
29 September 2021 Jonah 3:3-4:11
2 Kings 14:24-27
Episode 0439 (MP3)
The Work Of God During The Middle Of The 8th Century BC
30 September 2021 2 Chronicles 26:6-15
Amos 1:1-12
Episode 0440 (MP3)
The Prophecies Of Amos Regarding The Impending Judgment Of God Via Assyria
1 October 2021 Amos 1:13-3:12
Episode 0441 (MP3)
The Prophecies Of Amos Regarding The Impending Judgment Of God Via Assyria
4 October 2021 Amos 3:12-5:20
Episode 0442 (MP3)
The Prophecies Of Amos Regarding The Impending Judgment Of God Via Assyria
5 October 2021 Amos 5:18-7:10
Episode 0443 (MP3)
The Prophecies Of Amos Regarding The Impending Judgment Of God Via Assyria
6 October 2021 Amos 7:7-9:15
Episode 0444 (MP3)
Hosea's Family Life Prophetically Illustrates Northern Israel's Relationship With God
7 October 2021 Hosea 1:1-2:7
Episode 0445 (MP3)
Hosea's Family Life Prophetically Illustrates Northern Israel's Relationship With God
8 October 2021 Hosea 2:1-23
Episode 0446 (MP3)
Hosea Redeems Gomer As God Will Redeem Israel & Menahem Becomes King Of Northern Israel, Paying Tribute To Tiglath-Pileser Of Assyria
11 October 2021 2 Kings 14:28-29; 15:8-20;
Hosea 3:1-5
Episode 0447 (MP3)
Hosea's Prophetic Warnings To Northern Israel & Sometimes To Southern Judah
12 October 2021 Hosea 4:1-5:10
Episode 0448 (MP3)
Hosea's Prophetic Warnings To Northern Israel & Sometimes To Southern Judah
13 October 2021 Hosea 5:8-7:16
Episode 0449 (MP3)
Hosea's Prophetic Warnings To Northern Israel & Sometimes To Southern Judah
14 October 2021 Hosea 8:1-10:2
Episode 0450 (MP3)
Hosea's Prophetic Warnings To Northern Israel & Sometimes To Southern Judah
15 October 2021 Hosea 10:1-12:1
Episode 0451 (MP3)
Hosea's Prophetic Warnings To Northern Israel & Sometimes To Southern Judah
18 October 2021 Hosea 12:2-14:9;
2 Chronicles 26:16
Episode 0452 (MP3)
The Death Of Uzzaiah Of Judah & The Vision Of Isaiah
19 October 2021 2 Kings 15:5-7, 21-28;
2 Chronicles 26:16-23;
Isaiah 6:1-7
Episode 0453 (MP3)
The Calling & Ministry Of Isaiah
20 October 2021 Isaiah 6:1-13; 1:1-15
Episode 0454 (MP3)
The Introductory Portion Of The Book Of Isaiah
21 October 2021 Isaiah 1:10-2:12
Episode 0455 (MP3)
The Introductory Portion Of The Book Of Isaiah
22 October 2021 Isaiah 2:12-4:4
Episode 0456 (MP3)
The Introductory Portion Of The Book Of Isaiah
25 October 2021 Isaiah 4:2-5:30
Episode 0457 (MP3)
Isaiah Prophesies To Ahaz Of Judah
26 October 2021 2 Kings 15:35; 16:1-4;
2 Chronicles 27:2-6; 28:1-4;
Isaiah 7:2-20
Episode 0458 (MP3)
Judah Invaded By Syria And Israel, While Isaiah Continues To Prophesy
27 October 2021 2 Kings 16:1-9; 15:37;
2 Chronicles 28:1-21;
Isaiah 7:18-8:10
Episode 0459 (MP3)
Isaiah Prophesies In 734 BC, During The Turmoil Of King Ahaz Of Judah's Reign
28 October 2021 Isaiah 8:11-9:10
Episode 0460 (MP3)
Isaiah Prophesies In 734 BC, During The Turmoil Of King Ahaz Of Judah's Reign
29 October 2021 Isaiah 9:8-10:27
Episode 0461 (MP3)
Isaiah Prophesies In 734 BC, During The Turmoil Of King Ahaz Of Judah's Reign
1 November 2021 Isaiah 10:20-12:6
Episode 0462 (MP3)
Tiglath Piliser III Invades Northern Israel & Syria; Ahaz Of Judah Makes Major Changes To The Temple Court
2 November 2021 2 Kings 15:29-31; 16:9-18
2 Chronicles 28:22-25;
Isaiah 17:1-14;
Micah 1:1
Episode 0463 (MP3)
Micah Prophesies About Both The Assyrian & Babylonian Exiles
3 November 2021 Micah 1:1-3:12
Episode 0464 (MP3)
Micah Includes Some Prophecies About Jesus' 1st & 2nd Comings
4 November 2021 Micah 4:1-6:10
Episode 0465 (MP3)
8th Century BC Prophecies Of Micah & Isaiah
5 November 2021 Micah 6:6-7:20;
Isaiah 23:1-9
Episode 0466 (MP3)
Prophecies Against Tyre & Prophecies About The Second Coming Of Christ
8 November 2021 Isaiah 23:1-25:12
Episode 0467 (MP3)
Prophecies About Jesus Are Mixed In With Prophecies About Judgment
9 November 2021 Isaiah 25:6-28:16
Episode 0468 (MP3)
Prophecies & Events Related To The Impending Assyrian Invasion
10 November 2021 Isaiah 28:14-29; 14:28-32
2 Kings 15:36, 38;16:19-20; 18:1-3, 5-7a
2 Chronicles 27:7-9; 28:26-29:2; 31:20-21
Psalm 83
Episode 0469 (MP3)
King Hezekiah Rededicates The Temple & Invites All Israel To A Special Passover
11 November 2021 2 Chronicles 29:3-30:10
Episode 0470 (MP3)
The Great Passover Of Hezekiah's First Year As King Of Southern Judah
12 November 2021 2 Chronicles 30:10-31:10
Episode 0471 (MP3)
The Fall Of Samaria To The Assyrians
15 November 2021 2 Kings 17:3-23; 18:4, 9-12;
2 Chronicles 31:11-21
Episode 0472 (MP3)
The Assyrian Importation Of Non-Israelis To Northern Israel & The Later Invasion Of Judah By Assyria
16 November 2021 2 Kings 17:24-41; 18:7-8, 13-17; 20:20a;
2 Chronicles 32:1-9, 30a;
Isaiah 36:2
Episode 0473 (MP3)
The Assyrians Threaten The Kingdom Of Judah
17 November 2021 2 Kings 18:13-19:4;
2 Chronicles 32:1-19;
Isaiah 36:1-37:5
Episode 0474 (MP3)
God Saves Judah From The Assyrians & Grants King Hezekiah 15 More Years Of Life
18 November 2021 2 Kings 19:5-20:6;
2 Chronicles 32:16-24;
Isaiah 37:5-38:6
Episode 0475 (MP3)
Hezekiah Is Thankful For His Healing, But Is Foolish In His Pride Regarding The Babylonian Envoys
19 November 2021 2 Kings 20:1-19;
Isaiah 38:1-39:8
Episode 0476 (MP3)
Isaiah Prophesies Against The Future King Of Babylon & Apparently Against Satan Who Manipulates Him
22 November 2021 Isaiah 13:1-14:19
Episode 0477 (MP3)
Various Prophecies From Isaiah
23 November 2021 Isaiah 14:12-27; 15:1-16:14; 18:1-19:1
Episode 0478 (MP3)
Various Prophecies From Isaiah
24 November 2021 Isaiah 19:1-22:11
Episode 0479 (MP3)
Various Prophecies From Isaiah
25 November 2021 Isaiah 22:8-25; 29:1-24
Episode 0480 (MP3)
Various Prophecies From Isaiah
26 November 2021 Isaiah 30:1-31:3
Episode 0481 (MP3)
Various Prophecies From Isaiah
29 November 2021 Isaiah 31:-34:4
Episode 0482 (MP3)
Various Prophecies From Isaiah
30 November 2021 Isaiah 34:1-35:10; 40:1-5
Episode 0483 (MP3)
Isaiah's Great Prophecies About The LORD
1 December 2021 Isaiah 40:1-41:16
Episode 0484 (MP3)
Isaiah's Great Prophecies About The LORD
2 December 2021 Isaiah 41:17-43:21
Episode 0485 (MP3)
Isaiah's Great Prophecies About The LORD
3 December 2021 Isaiah 43:16-45:7
Episode 0486 (MP3)
Isaiah's Great Prophecies About The LORD
6 December 2021 Isaiah 45:1-47:9
Episode 0487 (MP3)
Isaiah's Great Prophecies About The LORD
7 December 2021 Isaiah 47:1-49:16
Episode 0488 (MP3)
Isaiah's Great Prophecies About The LORD
8 December 2021 Isaiah 49:14-51:16
Episode 0489 (MP3)
Isaiah Prophesies About Jesus, The Suffering Servant & Savior
9 December 2021 Isaiah 51:17-53:8
Episode 0490 (MP3)
Isaiah Prophesies About Jesus, The Suffering Servant & Savior
10 December 2021 Isaiah 52:13-54:14
Episode 0491 (MP3)
Various Prophecies From Isaiah
13 December 2021 Isaiah 54:1-56:12
Episode 0492 (MP3)
Various Prophecies From Isaiah
14 December 2021 Isaiah 57:1-59:11
Episode 0493 (MP3)
Various Prophecies From Isaiah
15 December 2021 Isaiah 59:8-61:4
Episode 0494 (MP3)
Isaiah Prophesies About The First & Second Coming Of Jesus The Messiah
16 December 2021 Isaiah 61:1-63:4
Episode 0495 (MP3)
Various Prophecies From Isaiah
17 December 2021 Isaiah 63:1-65:8
Episode 0496 (MP3)
Various Prophecies From Isaiah
20 December 2021 Isaiah 65:8-66:14
Episode 0497 (MP3)
Finishing The Book Of Isaiah & Introducing The Proverbs Of Solomon Gathered In Hezekiah's Reign
21 December 2021 Isaiah 66:15-24;
2 Chronicles 32:29-30;
Proverbs 25:1
Episode 0498 (MP3)
The Proverbs Of Solomon Gathered During The Reign Of Hezekiah
22 December 2021 Proverbs 25:1-26:2
Episode 0499 (MP3)
The Proverbs Of Solomon Gathered During The Reign Of Hezekiah
23 December 2021 Proverbs 26:3-27:6
Episode 0500 (MP3)
The Proverbs Of Solomon Gathered During The Reign Of Hezekiah
24 December 2021 Proverbs 27:7-28:4
Episode 0501 (MP3)
The Proverbs Of Solomon Gathered During The Reign Of Hezekiah
27 December 2021 Proverbs 28:5-29:5
Episode 0502 (MP3)
Wrapping Up The Proverbs Of Solomon Gathered During The Reign Of Hezekiah
28 December 2021 Proverbs 29:6-30:4
Episode 0503 (MP3)
The Proverbs Of Agur Gathered During The Reign Of Hezekiah
29 December 2021 Proverbs 30:1-33
Episode 0504 (MP3)
The Proverbs Of King Lemuel Gathered During The Reign Of Hezekiah
30 December 2021 Proverbs 31:1-31
Episode 0505 (MP3)
Making The Most Of Life
31 December 2021 Ecclesiastes 1:1-15
Episode 0506 (MP3)
Making The Most Of Life
3 January 2022 Ecclesiastes 1:1-2:8
Episode 0507 (MP3)
Making The Most Of Life
4 January 2022 Ecclesiastes 2:1-26
Episode 0508 (MP3)
Making The Most Of Life
5 January 2022 Ecclesiastes 3:1-22
Episode 0509 (MP3)
Making The Most Of Life
6 January 2022 Ecclesiastes 4:1-5:7
Episode 0510 (MP3)
Making The Most Of Life
7 January 2022 Ecclesiastes 5:8-6:12
Episode 0511 (MP3)
Making The Most Of Life
10 January 2022 Ecclesiastes 7:1-29
Episode 0512 (MP3)
Making The Most Of Life
11 January 2022 Ecclesiastes 8:1-9:10
Episode 0513 (MP3)
Making The Most Of Life
12 January 2022 Ecclesiastes 9:11-10:20
Episode 0514 (MP3)
Making The Most Of Life
13 January 2022 Ecclesiastes 11:1-12:14
Episode 0515 (MP3)
Hezekiah Dies & Manasseh Reigns In His Place - The Best King Followed By The Worst
14 January 2022 2 Kings 20:20-21:16; 19:37;
2 Chronicles 32:32-33:10; 32:21;
Isaiah 37:38
Episode 0516 (MP3)
The Book Of Nahum
17 January 2022 Nahum 1:1-3:19
Episode 0517 (MP3)
The Repentance Of Manasseh, The Sins Of Amon & The Rise Of Josiah
18 January 2022 2 Kings 21:1-22:2;
2 Chronicles 33:1-34:3
Episode 0518 (MP3)
Young King Josiah Begins To Purge Judah Of Idolatry
19 January 2022 2 Kings 22:2-1; 23:4-20;
2 Chronicles 34:1-3
Episode 0519 (MP3)
Jeremiah Called To Be A Prophet
20 January 2022 Jeremiah 1:1-19; 3:6-19
Episode 0520 (MP3)
Josiah Responds Faithfully To The Finding Of God's Law In The Temple
21 January 2022 2 Kings 22:3-23:3;
2 Chronicles 34:8-33
Episode 0521 (MP3)
King Josiah's Great Passover
24 January 2022 2 Kings 23:21-24;
2 Chronicles 35:1-19;
Zephaniah 1:1-6
Episode 0522 (MP3)
Prophecies About The Day Of The Lord Against Judah & Other Countries
25 January 2022 Zephaniah 1:1-2:15
Episode 0523 (MP3)
Prophecies Against The Philistines During The Later Reign Of King Josiah
26 January 2022 Zephaniah 3:1-20;
Jeremiah 47:1ff;
2 Kings 23:28-30;
2 Chronicles 35:20-24
Episode 0524 (MP3)
The Death Of Josiah Begins Judah's Final Evil Period
27 January 2022 2 King 23:28-37;
2 Chronicles 35:20-36:5;
Jeremiah 2:1-13
Episode 0525 (MP3)
Jeremiah's Prophecies During The Early Reign Of King Jehoiakim
28 January 2022 Jeremiah 2:14-3:5, 21-4:2
Episode 0526 (MP3)
Jeremiah's Prophecies During The Early Reign Of King Jehoiakim
31 January 2022 Jeremiah 4:1-5:19
Episode 0527 (MP3)
Jeremiah's Prophecies During The Early Reign Of King Jehoiakim
1 February 2022 Jeremiah 5:18-7:15
Episode 0528 (MP3)
Jeremiah's Prophecies During The Early Reign Of King Jehoiakim
2 February 2022 Jeremiah 7:1-9:1
Episode 0529 (MP3)
Jeremiah's Prophecies During The Early Reign Of King Jehoiakim
3 February 2022 Jeremiah 8:18-10:25; 26:1-9
Episode 0530 (MP3)
Jeremiah's Prophecies During The Early Reign Of King Jehoiakim
4 February 2022 Jeremiah 26:1-24; 11:1-17
Episode 0531 (MP3)
Jeremiah's Prophecies During The Early Reign Of King Jehoiakim
7 February 2022 Jeremiah 11:1-6-13:14
Episode 0532 (MP3)
Jeremiah's Prophecies During The Early Reign Of King Jehoiakim
8 February 2022 Jeremiah 13:15-15:9
Episode 0533 (MP3)
Jeremiah's Prophecies During The Early Reign Of King Jehoiakim
9 February 2022 Jeremiah 15:10-17:18
Episode 0534 (MP3)
Joel Prophesies About A Locust Plague & The Day Of The Lord
10 February 2022 Jeremiah 17:19-27; Joel 1:1-2:17
Episode 0535 (MP3)
Joel Prophesies About The Day Of The Lord
11 February 2022 Joel 2:12-32
Episode 0536 (MP3)
Joel Prophesies About The Day Of The Lord
14 February 2022 Joel 3:1-21;
Daniel 1:1-2
Episode 0537 (MP3)
Daniel Is Among The First Judeans To Go Into Babylonian Exile
15 February 2022 Daniel 1:1-17;
Jeremiah 25:1-7
Episode 0538 (MP3)
Jeremiah Prophesies 70 Years Of Babylonian Desolation
16 February 2022 Jeremiah 25:1-38; 46:1-13
Episode 0539 (MP3)
Jeremiah Prophesies Nebuchadnezzar's Attack On Egypt & Habakkuk Complains To God About Injustices
17 February 2022 Jeremiah 46:13-28;
Habakkuk 1:1-11
Episode 0540 (MP3)
God Informs Habakkuk Of His Coming Judgments
18 February 2022 Habakkuk 1:12-2:20
Episode 0541 (MP3)
The Psalm Of Habakkuk & The Writing Down Of Jeremiah's Prophecies
21 February 2022 Habakkuk 3:1-19;
Jeremiah 36:1-6
Episode 0542 (MP3)
The Scroll Of Jeremiah's Prophecies Burned By King Jehoiakim, Then Redictated By Jeremiah To Baruch
22 February 2022 Jeremiah 36:1-32; 45:1-5
Episode 0543 (MP3)
The First Dream Of King Nebuchadnezzar
23 February 2022 Daniel 1:18-2:40
Episode 0544 (MP3)
Daniel Interprets The First Dream Of King Nebuchadnezzar
24 February 2022 Daniel 2:31-49;
2 Kings 24:1-4;
Jeremiah 35:1-3
Episode 0545 (MP3)
Jeremiah Prophesies Against Judah In The Days Of Jehoiakim
25 February 2022 Jeremiah 35:1-19; 22:1-27
Episode 0546 (MP3)
Jeremiah Prophesies Against Judah In The Days Of Jehoiakim
28 February 2022 Jeremiah 22:24-23:22
Episode 0547 (MP3)
Jehoiakim Dies In Babylonian Custody, Jehoiachin Is Taken Into Babylonian Exile & Zedekiah Becomes The Final King Of Judah
1 March 2022 Jeremiah 23:23-40; 52:28;
2 Kings 24:5-19
2 Chronicles 36:6-12
Episode 0548 (MP3)
God Has Jeremiah Prophesy To The Recently Exiled Judeans
2 March 2022 Jeremiah 24:1-10; 29:1-32
Episode 0549 (MP3)
Jeremiah Prophesies Against Elam & Babylon
3 March 2022 Jeremiah 49:34-39; 50:1-40
Episode 0550 (MP3)
Jeremiah Prophesies Against Babylon
4 March 2022 Jeremiah 50:41-51:46
Episode 0551 (MP3)
Jeremiah Sends A Prophetic Scroll To Babylon & Ezekiel Sees Visions Of God In Babylon
7 March 2022 Jeremiah 51:41-64;
Ezekial 1:1-12
Episode 0552 (MP3)
Ezekiel Describes The Glory Of God Which Appeared To Him In Babylon
8 March 2022 Ezekiel 1:4-2:2
Episode 0553 (MP3)
God Makes Ezekiel The Watchman Of Israel
9 March 2022 Ezekiel 2:1-3:21
Episode 0554 (MP3)
God Tells Ezekiel To Act Out A Prophecy Regarding The Coming Siege Of Jerusalem
10 March 2022 Ezekiel 3:22-4:17; Jeremiah 27:1-4
Episode 0555 (MP3)
God Makes Jeremiah Wear A Yoke As A Symbol Of National Submission To King Nebuchadnezzar Of Babylon
11 March 2022 Jeremiah 27:1-28:17
Episode 0556 (MP3)
Ezekiel Prophesies About The Impending Wrath Of God Against Judah
14 March 2022 Ezekiel 5:1-6:14
Episode 0557 (MP3)
Ezekiel Prophesies About The Impending Wrath Of God Against Judah
15 March 2022 Ezekiel 7:1-8:7
Episode 0558 (MP3)
Ezekiel Describes His Second Vision Of God's Glory
16 March 2022 Ezekiel 8:1-10:2
Episode 0559 (MP3)
Ezekiel Describes His Second Vision Of God's Glory
17 March 2022 Ezekiel 10;1-11:13
Episode 0560 (MP3)
Ezekiel Prophesies About The Impending Wrath Of God Against Judah
18 March 2022 Ezekiel 11:14-12:28
Episode 0561 (MP3)
God Warns Against False Prophets
21 March 2022 Ezekiel 13:1-14:8; 20:1
Episode 0562 (MP3)
God Condemns The Idolators Coming To Inquire Of Him Through Ezekiel
22 March 2022 Ezekiel 14:6-11; 20:2-39
Episode 0563 (MP3)
God Condemns Israel For Their Faithlessness
23 March 2022 Ezekiel 20:39-44; 14:12-16:14
Episode 0564 (MP3)
God Condemns Israel For Their Faithlessness
24 March 2022 Ezekiel 16:15-63;
Jeremiah 34:8-10
Episode 0565 (MP3)
Zedekiah Condemned For Breaking His Oath To Serve Nebuchadnezzar
25 March 2022 2 Chronicles 36:13-16;
2 Kings 24:20;
Ezekiel 17:1-18:13
Episode 0566 (MP3)
God Calls For Individual Repentance From Sin
28 March 2022 Ezekiel 18:1-32
Episode 0567 (MP3)
Ezekiel's Lamentation & Jeremiah's Pottery Illustrations
29 March 2022 Ezekiel 19:1-14;
Jeremiah 18:1-19:9
Episode 0568 (MP3)
Jeremiah & Ezekiel Are Both Frustrated By The Negative Response To Their Prophetic Ministry
30 March 2022 Jeremiah 19:10-20:18;
Ezekiel 20:45-21:13
Episode 0569 (MP3)
God Speaks Plainly With Ezekiel About Judah's Impending Judgment
31 March 2022 Ezekiel 21:14-23:4
Episode 0570 (MP3)
The Parable Of Oholah & Oholibah
1 April 2022 Ezekiel 23:1-24:7;
2 Kings 25:1;
2 Chronicles 36:17;
Jeremiah 39:1; 52:4
Episode 0571 (MP3)
Ezekiel Prophesies Exactly The Day The Babylonian Siege Of Jerusalem Begins
4 April 2022 Ezekiel 24:1-25:17
Episode 0572 (MP3)
God Condemns The Judeans For Going Back On The Sabbatical Year Obligations
5 April 2022 Jeremiah 21:1-14; 34:1-22; 37:3-16
Episode 0573 (MP3)
Jeremiah Suffers In Judean Custody
6 April 2022 Jeremiah 37:11-38:28
Episode 0574 (MP3)
God Condemns Egypt & Tyre
7 April 2022 Ezekiel 29:1-16; 30:1-19; 26:1-21
Episode 0575 (MP3)
God Condemns Tyre For Its Pride
8 April 2022 Ezekiel 27:1-28:17
Episode 0576 (MP3)
God Condemns Egypt
11 April 2022 Ezekiel 28:12-26; 30:20-26; 31:1-18
Episode 0577 (MP3)
Jeremiah Buys Land In Benjamin To Illustrate God's Commitment To Bring A Remnant Back Into The Land
12 April 2022 Jeremiah 32:1-44
Episode 0578 (MP3)
God Provides Hope For The Future In The Face Of Jersualem's Fall To The Babylonians
13 April 2022 Jeremiah 33:1-26; 39:2-5, 15-18; 52:5-9;
2 Kings 25:2-6
Episode 0579 (MP3)
Jerusalem Captured, Dismantled & Burned By The Babylonians
14 April 2022 Jeremiah 52:6-14;
2 Kings 25:3-22;
2 Chronicles 36:17-18
Episode 0580 (MP3)
Jeremiah Released At Ramah So That He Can Continue His Prophetic Ministry In Judah
15 April 2022 Jeremiah 40:1-6; 39:14; 30:1-31:9
Episode 0581 (MP3)
Promises Of Restoration Amidst The Judgment Of Exile
18 April 2022 Jeremiah 31:10-36
Episode 0582 (MP3)
The New Covenant & Jeremiah's Book Of Lamentations
19 April 2022 Jeremiah 31:31-40;
Lamentations 1:1-22
Episode 0583 (MP3)
Lamentations Over Judah & Jerusalem
20 April 2022 Lamentations 2:1-3:54
Episode 0584 (MP3)
Lamentations Over Judah & Jerusalem
21 April 2022 Lamentations 3:49-5:22
Episode 0585 (MP3)
The Brief Leadership Of Gedaliah At Mizpah
22 April 2022 Jeremiah 40:1-41:13; 39:9-10; 52:15-29;
2 Kings 25:11-24;
2 Chronicles 36:20-21
Episode 0586 (MP3)
The Judean Remnant Is Taken Hostage After The Assassination Of Gedeliah
25 April 2022 Jeremiah 41:1-43:4
Episode 0587 (MP3)
Jeremiah Warns The Idolatrous Judeans In Egypt Of Their Coming Judgment
26 April 2022 Jeremiah 43:1-44:30;
Ezekiel 33:1-5
Episode 0588 (MP3)
Ezekiel Prophesies To The Exiles From Judah
27 April 2022 Ezekiel 33:1-34:10
Episode 0589 (MP3)
God Will Be Israel's Good Shepherd & He Will Punish Those Who Abuse His Sheep
28 April 2022 Ezekiel 34:11-35:15
Episode 0590 (MP3)
God Is Going To Put His Spirit Into His People
29 April 2022 Ezekiel 36:1-37:6
Episode 0591 (MP3)
The Resurrection & Gathering Of Israel Into The Land
2 May 2022 Ezekiel 37:1-28
Episode 0592 (MP3)
Setting Up The Story Of The Gog/Magog War
3 May 2022 Ezekiel 38:1-13
Episode 0593 (MP3)
God's Destruction Of Gog/Magog
4 May 2022 Ezekiel 38:14-39:29
Episode 0594 (MP3)
A Judean Psalm In Babylon & Prophecies About God's Impending Judgment Against Egypt
5 May 2022 Psalm 137;
Ezekiel 31:1-32
Episode 0595 (MP3)
God's Coming Judgments Against Edom & Moab
6 May 2022 Obadiah 1:1-21;
Jeremiah 48:1-11
Episode 0596 (MP3)
God's Impending Judgement Of Moab, Ammon & Damascus
9 May 2022 Jeremiah 48:11-49:29
Episode 0597 (MP3)
Three Hebrew Men Of Faith Being Saved From The Fiery Furnace
10 May 2022 Jeremiah 49:28-33;
Ezekiel 25:1-17;
Daniel 3:1-30
Episode 0598 (MP3)
King Nebuchadnezzar Given A Hard Lesson In Humility
11 May 2022 Daniel 4:1-37
Episode 0599 (MP3)
God Gives Ezekiel Plans For A Post-Exile Temple
12 May 2022 Ezekiel 40:1-41:4
Episode 0600 (MP3)
God Gives Ezekiel Plans For A Post-Exile Temple
13 May 2022 Ezekiel 41:5-43:12
Episode 0601 (MP3)
Ezekiel Describes The Altar Of The Potential Temple Of Israel's Return
16 May 2022 Ezekiel 43:1-27
Episode 0602 (MP3)
Instructions For The Priests & Levites In The Potential Temple Complex Of The Return
17 May 2022 Ezekiel 44:1-45:6
Episode 0603 (MP3)
Ezekiel Describes The Responsibilities Of The Prince
18 May 2022 Ezekiel 45:7-46:24
Episode 0604 (MP3)
The River Of The Water Of Life & The Forest Of Life
19 May 2022 Ezekiel 47:1-17
Episode 0605 (MP3)
Israel's Inheritance In The Land & God's Judgment On Egypt Via Nebuchadnezzar
20 May 2022 Ezekiel 47:17-48:45; 29:17-30:19
Episode 0606 (MP3)
Psalms Perhaps Written During The Babylonian Exile
23 May 2022 Psalms 74, 75 & 77
Episode 0607 (MP3)
Psalms Perhaps Written During The Babylonian Exile
24 May 2022 Psalms 79, 80, 85 & 89:1-10
Episode 0608 (MP3)
Psalms Perhaps Written During The Babylonian Exile
25 May 2022 Psalms 89, 120, 123 & 129
Episode 0609 (MP3)
Jeremiah Prophesies God's Judgment Upon The Idolatrous Jews In Egypt
26 May 2022 Jeremiah 44:1-30; 52:31-34;
2 Kings 25:27-30
Episode 0610 (MP3)
Daniel's Vision Of The Four Kingdoms
27 May 2022 Daniel 7:1-17
Episode 0611 (MP3)
Daniel's Vision Of The Four Beasts Parallels Nebuchadnezzar's Four Metal Image & The Story Of the Beast In Revelation
30 May 2022 Daniel 7:15-28
Episode 0612 (MP3)
Daniel's Vision Of The Greek Empire Ending The Medo-Persian Empire
31 May 2022 Daniel 8:1-27
Episode 0613 (MP3)
Daniel Interprets The Writing On The Wall
1 June 2022 Daniel 5:1-30
Episode 0614 (MP3)
God Rescues Daniel From The Lion's Den
2 June 2022 Daniel 5:31-6:38
Episode 0615 (MP3)
Daniel, Aware That The 70 Years Of Desolation Prophesied In Jeremiah Are Nearly Over, Confesses The Sins Of Israel
3 June 2022 Daniel 9:1-23
Episode 0616 (MP3)
The Seventy 'Weeks' Or 'Sabbatical Cycles' Of Daniel
6 June 2022 Daniel 9:20-27
Episode 0617 (MP3)
Decoding Daniel's Prophecy Of The 70 'Weeks" Of 'Sabbatical Cycles'
7 June 2022 Daniel 9:24-27
Episode 0618 (MP3)
One Last Decoding Of Daniel's Prophecy About The 70 'Weeks' Or 'Sabbatical Cycles'
8 June 2022 Daniel 9:24-27;
Ezra 1:1-6
Episode 0619 (MP3)
The Jewish Return From Exile Begins
9 June 2022 Ezra 1:1-70;
Psalm 126
Episode 0620 (MP3)
The Sacrificial System Is Reestablished & The Foundations Of The Second Temple Are Laid
10 June 2022 Ezra 2:68-3:13
Episode 0621 (MP3)
The Rebuilding Of The Temple Is Suspended Shortly After Being Started
13 June 2022 Ezra 3:8-4:5;
Daniel 10:1-14
Episode 0622 (MP3)
Daniel Given Detailed Information About Israel's Future History
Daniel Chapter 11 With Historical Notes From Thomas (PDF)
14 June 2022 Daniel 10:10-11:10
Episode 0623 (MP3)
Daniel Predicts The 2nd Century Crisis Of The Jewish Faith
Daniel Chapter 11 With Historical Notes From Thomas (PDF)
15 June 2022 Daniel 11:10-31
Episode 0624 (MP3)
Daniel Predicts The End Of The 2nd Century Crisis Of The Jewish Faith
Daniel Chapter 11 With Historical Notes From Thomas (PDF)
16 June 2022 Daniel 11:21-45
Episode 0625 (MP3)
The End Of Daniel's Final Vision
18 June 2022 Daniel 12:1-13;
Haggai 1:1-11
Episode 0626 (MP3)
The Prophet Haggai Urges The Jews To Rebuild The Temple
20 June 2022 Haggai 1:1-2:9;
Ezra 5:1-5
Episode 0627 (MP3)
Darius Affirms The Rebuilding Of The Temple
21 June 2022 Ezra 5:6-17;
Zechariah 1:1-6
Episode 0628 (MP3)
Haggai & Zechariah Prophesy During The Early Months Of The Rebuilding Of The Temple
22 June 2022 Haggai 2:10-23;
Zechariah 1:7-2:6
Episode 0629 (MP3)
Zechariah Describes The Visions He Is Having During The Rebuilding Of The Temple
23 June 2022 Zechariah 2:6-4:3
Episode 0630 (MP3)
Zechariah Describes The Visions He Is Having During The Rebuilding Of The Temple
24 June 2022 Zechariah 4:1-5:4
Episode 0631 (MP3)
Wickedness Is Removed To The Land Of Shinar
27 June 2022 Zechariah 5:1-6:12
Episode 0632 (MP3)
The Royal Crown Of The High Priest
28 June 2022 Zechariah 6:9-8:8
Episode 0633 (MP3)
The Fasting Days Related To The Desolation Of The Temple & Jerusalem Should Become Feasting Days
29 June 2022 Zechariah 8:1-9:6
Episode 0634 (MP3)
The King Is Coming
30 June 2022 Zechariah 9:5-10:12
Episode 0635 (MP3)
Zechariah Becomes A Shepherd To Illustrate God's Judgment Upon Bad Leaders
1 July 2022 Zechariah 11:1-17
Episode 0636 (MP3)
Jerusalem Is Ground Zero For Final Events
4 July 2022 Zechariah 12:1-13:6
Episode 0637 (MP3)
Prophecies Related To The Second Coming Of Jesus To Jerusalem
5 July 2022 Zechariah 13:7-14:11
Episode 0638 (MP3)
Matters Related To The Millennium
6 July 2022 Zechariah 14:12-21
Episode 0639 (MP3)
The 2nd Temple Is Dedicated & Xerxes Begins His Reign As King Of Media-Persia
7 July 2022 Ezra 6:14-22; 4:6;
Esther 1:1-12
Episode 0640 (MP3)
King Xerxes Begins Looking For A New Queen To Support Him In The Empire
8 July 2022 Esther 1:10-2:10
Episode 0641 (MP3)
Esther Becomes The Queen Of Persia
11 July 2022 Esther 2:5-18
Episode 0642 (MP3)
Haman Plots To Annihilate The Jewish People
12 July 2022 Esther 2:19-3:13
Episode 0643 (MP3)
Modecai Urges Esther To Save The Jews By Talking With The King
13 July 2022 Esther 3:12-5:9
Episode 0644 (MP3)
Haman's Plot Comes Apart
14 July 2022 Esther 5:9-7:6
Episode 0645 (MP3)
The Jews Defend Themselves According To Royal Decree
15 July 2022 Esther 7:1-9:19
Episode 0646 (MP3)
Wrap Up Of Esther's Story & Introduction Of Ezra's Story
18 July 2022 Esther 9:20-10:3;
Ezra 7:1-16
Episode 0647 (MP3)
Ezra Assembles & Prepares Those Who Will Go With Him To Judah
19 July 2022 Ezra 7:11-8:23
Episode 0648 (MP3)
Ezra Starts Rebuilding The Walls & Then Discovers The Sin Of The Exiles Intermarrying With Idol Worshipers
20 July 2022 Ezra 8:21-10:1
Episode 0649 (MP3)
Ezra Resolves The Sinful Intermarriage Of Believers With Non-Believers
21 July 2022 Ezra 10:1-44;
Psalm 102
Episode 0650 (MP3)
Nehemiah Grieves Over The Continued Ruined State Of Jerusalem
22 July 2022 Nehemiah 1:1-2:6
Episode 0651 (MP3)
Nehemiah Secures A Royal Commission To Rebuild Jerusalem's Walls
25 July 2022 Nehemiah 2:1-16
Episode 0652 (MP3)
Description Of The Wall Rebuilding Efforts
26 July 2022 Nehemiah 2:17-3:17
Episode 0653 (MP3)
The Rebuilding Of The Wall Continues Despite Mockery & Threats
27 July 2022 Nehemiah 3:15-4:9
Episode 0654 (MP3)
Nehemiah Intervenes On Behalf Of The People Of Judah Being Mistreated By The Local Leadership
28 July 2022 Nehemiah 4:7-5:19
Episode 0655 (MP3)
Nehemiah Finishes Rebuilding The Walls In 52 Days
29 July 2022 Nehemiah 6:1-7:5
Episode 0656 (MP3)
The New Walls Are Dedicated On 7*1
1 August 2022 Nehemiah 7:5-73; 12:27-43
Episode 0657 (MP3)
Ezra Reads Aloud To The Assembly From God's Word
2 August 2022 Nehemiah 12:40-47; 8:1-18
Episode 0658 (MP3)
The Jewish People Confess The Historical Sins Of Their Nation & Make A New Commitment To God
3 August 2022 Nehemiah 13:1-3; 9:1-38
Episode 0659 (MP3)
The Jews Restart Their Covenant Relationship With God, In Writing
4 August 2022 Nehemiah 9:32-12:26;
Psalm 146; 147:1-11
Episode 0660 (MP3)
HalleluYAH Psalms, Possibly From The Time Of Nehemiah
5 August 2022 Psalm 147-150; 106:1-15
Episode 0661 (MP3)
He Who Is Should Be Praised
8 August 2022 Psalm 106:16-107:43
Episode 0662 (MP3)
God Demands Respect
9 August 2022 Malachi 1:1-2:4
Episode 0663 (MP3)
Respect For God Includes Respect For Marriage
10 August 2022 Malachi 2:1-3:1
Episode 0664 (MP3)
Don't Hold Out On God...Trust Him Instead
11 August 2022 Malachi 3:1-4:1
Episode 0665 (MP3)
The Day Of The Lord & Elijah The Tishbite
12 August 2022 Malachi 3:14-4:6
Episode 0666 (MP3)
Nehemiah's Second Tenure As Persian Governor Of Judah
15 August 2022 Nehemiah 13:1-31
Episode 0667 (MP3)
The Rise of the Samaritan Religion & Alexander The Great
16 August 2022 Antiquities of the Jews, Book 11, Chapters 7-8
Episode 0668 (MP3)
Ptolemy II Commissions The Translation Of The Jewish Sacred Scrolls
17 August 2022 Antiquities of the Jews, Book 12, Chapter 2
Episode 0669 (MP3)
Judea Moves From The Orbit Of Ptolemaic Egypt Into That Of Seleucid Syria
18 August 2022 Antiquities of the Jews Book 12, Chapter 3
Episode 0670 (MP3)
Antiochus IV & The Hellenizing High Priests
19 August 2022 Antiquities of the Jews Book 12, Chapter 5;
1 Maccabees 1;
2 Maccabees 4-5
Episode 0671 (MP3)
The Abomination Of Desolation Set Up At Jerusalem's Temple In December Of 167 BC
22 August 2022 1 Maccabees 1-2;
2 Maccabees 5-6
Episode 0672 (MP3)
The Heroic Mattathias Of Modein & His Son, Judas Maccabee
23 August 2022 1 Maccabees 2-4;
2 Maccabees 6-10
Episode 0673 (MP3)
Hannukah & The Death Of Antiochus IV
24 August 2022 1 Maccabees 4-6;
2 Maccabees 8-11
Episode 0674 (MP3)
The War Continues After The Death Of Antiochus IV
25 August 2022 1 Maccabees 7-8;
2 Maccabees 12-15
Episode 0675 (MP3)
The Death Of Judas Maccabee & The Rise Of The Independent Hasmonean Kingdom
26 August 2022 1 Maccabees 9-13;
Antiquities of the Jews Book 12, Chapter 11
Episode 0676 (MP3)
The Expansion Of The Hasmonean Kingdom
29 August 2022 Antiquities Book 14, Chapters 3-5;
Wars Book 1, Chapters 6-7
Episode 0677 (MP3)
Deterioration Of The Hasmonean Kingdom
30 August 2022 Antiquities Book 13, Chapter 13 - Book 14, Chapter 2;
Wars Book 1, Chapters 4-5
Episode 0678 (MP3)
Judea Becomes A Roman Tributary In 63 BC
31 August 2022 Antiquities Book 14, Chapters 3-5;
Wars Book 1, Chapters 6-7
Episode 0679 (MP3)
Julius Caesar Becomes Allied With Hyrcanus The Jewish High Priest & Ethnarch
1 September 2022 Antiquities Book 14, Chapters 6-10;
Wars Book 1, Chapter 8-9
Episode 0680 (MP3)
Hyrcanus, Phasaelus & Herod Survive Politically After Being On The Wrong Side Of A Roman Civil War
2 September 2022 Antiquities Book 14, Chapter 11;
Wars Book 1, Chapters 10-12
Episode 0681 (MP3)
Herod Declared King Of The Jews By The Roman Senate In 40 BC
5 September 2022 Antiquities Book 14, Chapters 13-15;
Wars Book 1, Chapters 12-16
Episode 0682 (MP3)
Herod Secures Jerusalem, Weds Princess Miriamne & Makes His Brother-In-Law, Aristobulus III High Priest, All In 37 BC
6 September 2022 Antiquities Book 14, Chapter 16- Book 15, Chapter 3;
Wars Book 1, Chapters 17-18
Episode 0683 (MP3)
Herod Survives Being On The Wrong Side Of Another Roman Civil, Being Re-Affirmed By The Romans As King Of The Jews In 30 BC
7 September 2022 Antiquities Book 15, Chapters 3-6;
Wars Book 1, Chapters 17-20
Episode 0684 (MP3)
King Herod Becomes A Huge Supporter Of Augustus Caesar
8 September 2022 Antiquities Book 15, Chapters 6-8;
Wars Book 1, Chapter 20
Episode 0685 (MP3)
King Herod Has Become The Third Most Influential Ruler In The Roman Empire By 20 BC
9 September 2022 Antiquities Book 15, Chapters 8-10;
Wars Book 1, Chapter 20
Episode 0686 (MP3)
Herod's Temple Project
12 September 2022 Antiquities Book 15, Chapter 11;
Wars Book 1, Chapter 21; Book 5, Chapter 5
Episode 0687 (MP3)
The Prosperous & Peaceful Kingdom Of The Jews Under Herod
13 September 2022 Antiquities Book 15, Chapter 11 - Book 16, Chapter 2;
Wars Book 1, Chapter 21; Book 5, Chapter 5
Episode 0688 (MP3)
How Herod Earned His Title Of "The Great"
14 September 2022 Antiquities Book 16, Chapters 2-6;
Wars Book 1, Chapter 21
Episode 0689 (MP3)
The Angel Of The Lord Appears To Zechariah In The Temple
15 September 2022 Luke 1:1-16
Episode 0690 (MP3)
The Conception Of John The Immerser
16 September 2022 Luke 1:13-26
Episode 0691 (MP3)
The Conception Of Jesus
19 September 2022 Luke 1:26-39
Episode 0692 (MP3)
Mary's Visit Of Elizabeth & The Birth Of John
20 September 2022 Luke 1:39-64
Episode 0693 (MP3)
The Prophecies Of Zechariah & The Angelic Dream Given To Joseph
21 September 2022 Luke 1:59-80;
Matthew 1:18-24
Episode 0694 (MP3)
Joseph & Mary Travel To Bethlehem To Register In The Empire-Wide Census
22 September 2022 Luke 2:1-5
Episode 0695 (MP3)
The Birth Of Jesus At Bethlehem
23 September 2022 Luke 2:6-10
Episode 0696 (MP3)
The Shepherds Follow The Sign Of The Manger To Find Their Newborn Messiah
26 September 2022 Luke 2:8-24
Episode 0697 (MP3)
Jesus Dedicated At Jerusalem's Temple On The 40th Day Of His Life
27 September 2022 Luke 2:25-39
Episode 0698 (MP3)
The Visitation Of The Wise Men
28 September 2022 Matthew 2:1-15
Episode 0699 (MP3)
Before The Massacre At Bethlehem, Joseph Takes Mary & Jesus Into Egypt To Wait Out The Last Part Of Herod's Life
29 September 2022 Matthew 2:13-19
Episode 0700 (MP3)
After The Death Of Herod In Early 4 BC, Jesus' Family Takes Up Residence In Nazareth, Galilee
30 September 2022 Matthew 2:19-23
Episode 0701 (MP3)
Jesus, Age 12, Accidently Gets Left Behind In Jerusalem By His Parents
3 October 2022 Luke 2:39-52
Episode 0702 (MP3)
The Beginning Of The Ministry Of John The Immerser In AD 28
4 October 2022 MT 3:1-6
MK 1:1-6
LK 3:1-6
Episode 0703 (MP3)
John The Immerser Calls For True Repentance From The Pharisees & The Sadducees
5 October 2022 MT 3:1-12
MK 1:1-8
LK 3:1-10
Episode 0704 (MP3)
The Immersion Of Jesus By John The Immerser During Winter Of AD 29/30
6 October 2022 MT 3:13-17
MK 1:9-11
LK 3:10-17, 21-22
Episode 0705 (MP3)
Jesus Is God
7 October 2022 MT 3:13-17
MK 1:9-11
LK 3:21-38
JN 1:1-18
Episode 0706 (MP3)
Jesus Tempted In The Judean Wilderness
10 October 2022 MT 4:1-9
MK 1:12-13
LK 4:1-13
Episode 0707 (MP3)
Jesus Recovers From His Temptation & John The Immerser Answers Questions About His Identity
11 October 2022 MT 4:8-11
MK 1:13
LK 4:5-4;
John 1:19-28
Episode 0708 (MP3)
Jesus Gathers His First Six Disciples From Among The Disciples Of John The Immerser
12 October 2022 John 1:29-51
Episode 0709 (MP3)
Jesus Performs His First Miracle At Cana & Cleanses The Temple Of Unfair Traders At Jerusalem
13 October 2022 John 2:1-22
Episode 0710 (MP3)
Jesus Challenges Nicodemus To Be Born Again & Predicts His Own Death By Crucifixion
14 October 2022 John 2:23-3:15
Episode 0711 (MP3)
Jesus' Judean Ministry Begins To Eclipse The Jordan Valley Ministry Of John The Immerser
17 October 2022 John 3:14-4:3
Episode 0712 (MP3)
After John The Immerser Is Arrested, Jesus Leaves Judea For Galilee, Traveling Through Samaria At Shechem
18 October 2022 John 4:1-15
Episode 0713 (MP3)
Jesus Reveals Himself As Messiah To The Samaritan Woman At The Well
19 October 2022 John 4:13-36
Episode 0714 (MP3)
Jesus Visits Cana & Nazareth
20 October 2022 John 4:34-54;
Luke 4:16-22
Episode 0715 (MP3)
After Nearly Being Stoned At Nazareth, Jesus Moves To Capernaum
21 October 2022 Luke 4:14-31;
MT 4:12-17
MK 1:14-15;
Luke 5:1-3
Episode 0716 (MP3)
Jesus (Re)Calls Peter, Andrew, James & John As Disciples, Intending To Make Them 'Fishers Of Men'
24 October 2022 MT 4:17-22
MK 1:15-21
LK 5:1-11
Episode 0717 (MP3)
During A Sabbath Synagogue Service At Capernaum, Jesus Teaches & Casts Out A Demon With Authority
25 October 2022 MK 1:21-29
LK 4:31-37
Episode 0718 (MP3)
Jesus Heals Peter's Mother-In-Law & Many Others At Capernaum Before Heading Off To Many Other Cities To Minister
26 October 2022 MT 8:14-17
MK 1:29-39
LK 4:38-44;
John 5:1-5
Episode 0719 (MP3)
Responding To Persecution For Sabbath Healing, Jesus Talks About The Work Given To Him By The Father
27 October 2022 John 5:1-29
Episode 0720 (MP3)
Jesus Critiques The Jewish Religious Leaders For Not Believing In Him
28 October 2022 John 5:25-47
Episode 0721 (MP3)
The Pharisees Criticize Jesus For Violating Their Sabbath Traditions
31 October 2022 MT 12:1-14
MK 2:23-3:6
LK 6:1-11
Episode 0722 (MP3)
Jesus Ministers To The People Along The North Shore Of The Sea Of Galilee Before Selecting His Twelve Apostles After A Night Of Prayer
1 November 2022 MT 12:15-21; 4:23-5:1
MK 3:13-19
LK 6:12-16
Episode 0723 (MP3)
Jesus Begins His 'Sermon on the Mount' With Beatitudes
2 November 2022 MT 5:1-8
LK 6:12-21
Episode 0724 (MP3)
Jesus Finishes His Beatitudes & Woes, Then Reminds His Hearers Of Their Responsibility To Represent God To A Sinful World
3 November 2022 MT 5:9-17
LK 6:22-26
Episode 0725 (MP3)
God Intends For Us To Respect Others, Not Simply Avoid Killing Them
4 November 2022 Matthew 5:17-26
Episode 0726 (MP3)
God Intends For Us To Respect Our Spouses, Not Cheat On Them & To Be Honest With People, Not Manipulate Them With Our Words
7 November 2022 Matthew 5:27-38
Episode 0727 (MP3)
God Intends For Us To Think About & Do To Others In the Same Way He Does
8 November 2022 MT 5:38-6:1
LK 6:27-36
Episode 0728 (MP3)
God Intends For Us To Be Genuine In Our Prayer Life
9 November 2022 MT 6:1-18
LK 11:1-4
Episode 0729 (MP3)
God Intends Us To Trust Him For The Necessities Of Life
10 November 2022 MT 6:19-33
LK 12:13-31
Episode 0730 (MP3)
Seeking For What God Wants For Us To Find
11 November 2022 MT 6:33-7:11
LK 12:31-34; 11:5-13
Episode 0731 (MP3)
Jesus Finishes His Sermon On The Mount & Then Cleanses A Leper On His Way Into Capernaum
14 November 2022 MT 7:12-8:4
MK 1:40-46
LK 6:31-7:2; 5:12-16
Episode 0732 (MP3)
Jesus Heals The Capernuam Centurion's Servant & Then Lunches With Simon The Pharisee
15 November 2022 LK 7:1-10
MT 8:5-13
LK 7:36-50
LK 11:37-42
Episode 0733 (MP3)
Jesus Contends With The Pharisees In Such A Way That His Family Worries About His Mental Health
16 November 2022 LK 11:42-54
MT 23:4, 23-36;
MT 12:22-23
LK 11:14;
Mark 3:30-21
Episode 0734 (MP3)
Jesus Responds To The Accusation That He Was Casting Out Demons By The Power Of Satan
17 November 2022 MT 12:22-40
MK 3:22-30
LK 11:14-23
Episode 0735 (MP3)
Jesus Uses The Presence Of His Family To Teach About The Spiritual Family
18 November 2022 MT 12:40-13:3
MK 3:31-4:2
LK 11:24-32;
Luke 8:1-3
Episode 0736 (MP3)
Jesus' Sermon In Parables From A Boat Begins With The Parable Of The Four Soils
21 November 2022 MT 13:1-23
MK 4:1-20
LK 8:4-15
Episode 0737 (MP3)
Jesus' Finishes His Sermon In Parables From The Boat
22 November 2022 MT 13:24-43
MK 4:26-34
LK 8:16-18
Episode 0738 (MP3)
Jesus Calms The Sea On The Way Across To Kursi
23 November 2022 MT 8:18-29
MK 4:35-5:7
LK 8:22-28; 9:57-62
Episode 0739 (MP3)
Jesus Casts A 'Legion' Of Demons Into A Herd Of Pigs Near Kursi
24 November 2022 MT 8:29-9:1
MK 5:6-20; 2:1-2
LK 8:28-40
Episode 0740 (MP3)
Jesus Heals The Paralytic Let Down By His Four Faithful Friends Through The Roof
25 November 2022 MT 9:1-9
MK 5:21; 2:1-14
LK 5:17-28
Episode 0741 (MP3)
After Agreeing To Become An Apostle, Matthew Gives A Dinner For Jesus
28 November 2022 MT 9:9-18
MK 2:13-22; 5:22-23
LK 5:27-39; 8:41-42
Episode 0742 (MP3)
A Woman Is Healed By Touching Jesus' Covenant Fringe
29 November 2022 MT 9:18-25
MK 5:22-40
LK 8:41-53
Episode 0743 (MP3)
After Raising Jairus' Daughter From The Dead, Jesus Makes A Disappointing Visit To Nazareth
30 November 2022 MT 9:25-35
MK 5:40-6:6
LK 8:54-56
Episode 0744 (MP3)
Jesus Resurrects The Widow's Son At Nain & Then Prepares To Send Out His Apostles & Disciples By Twos
1 December 2022 Luke 7:11-17;
MT 9:35-10:4
MK 6:7
LK 9:1-2; 10:1-2
Episode 0745 (MP3)
Jesus Prepares To Send Out The Twelve & The Seventy(-Two) On A Mission During His 2nd Year Of Ministry
2 December 2022 MT 10:1-17
MK 6:7-11
LK 9:1-5; 10:1-8
Episode 0746 (MP3)
Jesus Warns His Apostles About Their Likely Reception On Their Upcoming Ministry Tour
5 December 2022 Matthew 10:16-42
Episode 0747 (MP3)
Jesus Pays Tribute To John The Immerser
6 December 2022 MT 11:1-19
MK 6:12-13
LK 7:18-35
LK 9:6
Episode 0748 (MP3)
Jesus Critiques The Pharisees Attitude Of Rejection, After Which Herod Antipas Regretfully Executes John The Immerser
7 December 2022 MT 11:11-24; 14:1-12
MK 6:14-29
LK 7:28-35; 9:7-9; 10:13-16
Episode 0749 (MP3)
The Apostles & Disciples Return To Jesus After Their Two-By-Two Ministry Period
8 December 2022 MT 14:12
MK 6:29-30
LK 9:9-10; 10:17-37
Episode 0750 (MP3)
The Apostles & Disciples Return To Jesus After Their Two-By-Two Ministry Period
9 December 2022 MT 14:12
MK 6:29-30
LK 9:9-10; 10:17-37
Episode 0751 (MP3)
Jesus Takes His Apostles By Boat To A Rural Area On The NE Corner Of The Sea Of Galilee, But The Crowds Run There Ahead Of Him
12 December 2022 MT 14:12-18
MK 6:29-38
LK 9:10-13
JN 6:1-9
Episode 0752 (MP3)
Arriving Back At Bethsaida-Capernaum, Jesus Is Pursued By Those In The Crowd That He Had Miraculously Fed The Day Before
13 December 2022 MT 14:31-36
MK 6:51-56
JN 6:21-36
Episode 0753 (MP3)
Jesus Scandalizes Many Of His Disciples By Telling Them That They Must Eat His Flesh & Drink His Blood To Have Eternal Life
14 December 2022 John 6:25-62
Episode 0754 (MP3)
Some Disciples Abandon Jesus After His Words About Eating His Flesh & Drinking His Blood, Then The Pharisees Complain About Violation Of Their Handwashing Rituals
15 December 2022 John 5:41-71;
MT 15:1-3, 7-9
MK 7:1-8
Episode 0755 (MP3)
Jesus Responds To Complaints That His Disciples Don't Adhere To The Cleansing Traditions Of The Pharisees
16 December 2022 MT 15:1-21
MK 7:1-24
Episode 0756 (MP3)
Jesus Casts Out A Demon From A Gentile Woman's Daughter In Tyre, Then Goes To Minister On The Eastern Side Of The Sea Of Galilee
19 December 2022 MT 15:21-32
MK 7:24-8:3
Episode 0757 (MP3)
Pharisees & Saduccees At Magdala Demand A Miraculous Sign From Jesus
20 December 2022 MT 15:32-16:12
MK 8:1-21
Episode 0758 (MP3)
Jesus Takes His Apostles Into The Region Of Caesarea Philippi
21 December 2022 MT 16:5-18
MK 8:14-29
LK 9:18-20
Episode 0759 (MP3)
Jesus Speaks About His Going To The Cross & The Need For HIs Disciples To Take Up Their Own Crosses
22 December 2022 MT 16:13-28
MK 8:27-9:1
LK 9:18-27
Episode 0760 (MP3)
The Transfiguration Of Jesus
23 December 2022 MT 16:28-17:8
MK 9:1-8
LK 9:27-36
Episode 0761 (MP3)
Jesus Identifies John The Immerser As 'Elijah' & Then Casts A Demon Out Of A Boy
26 December 2022 MT 17:9-18
MK 9:9-27
LK 9:36-42
Episode 0762 (MP3)
Jesus Returns To Capernum From The Mount Of Transfiguration (Hermon?) With The Apostles Arguing Along The Way About Which Of Them Was The Greatest
27 December 2022 MT 17:18-18:3
MK 9:26-36
LK 9:42-47
Episode 0763 (MP3)
Jesus Talks Much On The Topic Of Avoiding Being A Tempter & Being Tempted
28 December 2022 MT 18:1-14
MK 9:35:50
LK 9:47-50; 17:1-2
Episode 0764 (MP3)
Jesus Talks More About The Importance Of Avoiding & Being Forgiven Of Sin
29 December 2022 MT 18:15-35
MK 17:3-6
Episode 0765 (MP3)
Jesus Travels Covertly (Possibly Through Samaria) To Jerusalem For The Final Feast Of Tabernacles Of His Earthly Ministry
30 December 2022 John 7:1-17;
Luke 9:51-56
Episode 0766 (MP3)
Jesus Teaches At The Feast Of Tabernacles In AD 32
2 January 2023 John 7:10-36
Episode 0767 (MP3)
Jesus Offers Himself As The Source Of The Water Of Life & Of The Holy Spirit
3 January 2023 John 7:32-8:1
Episode 0768 (MP3)
Jesus Saves A Woman Caught In Adultery
4 January 2023 John 7:53-8:19
Episode 0769 (MP3)
Jesus And The Pharisees Hotly Discuss His Identity
5 January 2023 John 8:12-42
Episode 0770 (MP3)
Jesus Clearly Claims To Be The 'I Am' Of Exodus 3
6 January 2023 John 8:38-9:1
Episode 0771 (MP3)
Jesus Heals A Man Born Blind On The Sabbath
9 January 2023 John 9:1-23
Episode 0772 (MP3)
Jesus Is The Good Shepherd
10 January 2023 John 9:24-10:15
Episode 0773 (MP3)
Jesus, As The Good Shepherd, Will Lay Down His Life For The Sheep & Then Take It Back Up Again
11 January 2023 John 10:7-36
Episode 0774 (MP3)
After Nearly Being Stoned At Jerusalem During Hanukkah, Jesus Goes To Perea To Minister For A Few Months
12 January 2023 John 10:34-11:16;
MT 19:1-2
MK 10:1
Episode 0775 (MP3)
Jesus Comes To Bethany Where Lazarus Had Been Dead & In The Tomb Four Days
13 January 2023 John 11:17-37
Episode 0776 (MP3)
Jesus Resurrects Lazarus From The Dead & The Sanhedrin Begins Making Plans To Kill Jesus
16 January 2023 John 11:31-55
Episode 0777 (MP3)
Jesus Joins Passover Crowds Coming Out Of Galilee, Cleansing A Samaritan Leper & Answering Questions About The Kingdom
17 January 2023 John 11:53-57;
Luke 17:11-30
Episode 0778 (MP3)
Jesus Talks About The Need For Persistence & Humility In Prayer
18 January 2023 Luke 17:31-18:14;
MT 19:-2
MK 9:1
Episode 0779 (MP3)
Jesus Does Miracles & Teaches Parables During A Sabbath In Perea
19 January 2023 Luke 13:10-30
Episode 0780 (MP3)
On 1*8, A Sabbath Spent In Perea, Jesus Predicts His Arrival At Jerusalem On 1*10
20 January 2023 Luke 13:31-14:14
MT 23:37-39
Episode 0781 (MP3)
Jesus Upholds The Sanctity Of Marriage
23 January 2023 Luke 14:12-24;
MT 19:3-12
MK 9:2-12
Episode 0782 (MP3)
Jesus Blesses The Children & Challenges The Rich Young Ruler
24 January 2023 MT 19:13-28
MK 10:13-28
LK 18:15-28
Episode 0783 (MP3)
Jesus Once Again Prophesies About His Death And Resurrection & James And John, Via Their Mother, Try To Secure Top Positions In The Kingdom
25 January 2023 MT 19:27-20:24
MK 10:28-41
LK 18:28-34
Episode 0784 (MP3)
Jesus Teaches About Servant Leadership, Gives Sight To Two Blind Men & Lunches With Zacchaeus At Jericho
26 January 2023 MT 20:24-34
MK 10:41-51
LK 18:35-19:11
Episode 0785 (MP3)
After His Parable Of The Minas, Jesus Arrives At Bethany Where Martha Prepares Him A Dinner & Mary Anoints Him For Burial
27 January 2023 Luke 19:11-27;
JN 12:1-3
LK 10:38-42
MT 26:6-7
MK 14:3
Episode 0786 (MP3)
Jesus Anointed By Mary Of Bethany
30 January 2023 MT 26:6-13
MK 14:3-9
LK 10:38-42
JN 12:1-12
Episode 0787 (MP3)
Jesus Rides A Donkey Toward Jerusalem On 1*10, Being Hailed By The Crowds As King, Priest & Lamb
31 January 2023 MT 21:1-9
MK 11:1-10
LK 19:28-38
JN 12:12-16
Episode 0788 (MP3)
During His 'Triumphal Entry' On 1*10 In AD 33, Jesus Weeps Over The Future (AD 70) Destruction Of Jerusalem
1 February 2023 MT 21:8-12
MK 11:8-11
LK 19:36-44
JN 12:12-19
Episode 0789 (MP3)
Jesus Uses The Withered Fig Tree As An Object Lesson & Then Responds To Demands About His Authority With A Question About John The Immerser's Authority
2 February 2023 MT 21:12-27
MK 11:12-33
LK 19:45-20:8
Episode 0790 (MP3)
Jesus Tells Multiple Parables Which Condemned The Unbelieving Actions Of The Jewish Leadership
3 February 2023 MT 21:28-22:14
MK 12:1-12
LK 20:9-18
Episode 0791 (MP3)
Jesus Responds To A Question About Paying Taxes To Caesar
6 February 2023 MT 22:15-28
MK 12:12-23
LK 20:19-33
Episode 0792 (MP3)
Jesus Rebukes The Saduccees On The Reality Of The Resurrection & Asks A Challenging Question About The Identity Of The Messiah
7 February 2023 MT 22:23-40
MK 12:18-37
LK 20:27-44
Episode 0793 (MP3)
Jesus Critiques The Pharisees For Their Insincere Ritualism
8 February 2023 MT 22:40-23:24
MK 12:37-40
LK 20:45-47
Episode 0794 (MP3)
Jesus Finishes His Critique Of The Pharisees' Hypocrisy & Then Applauds The Generous Devotion Of A Poor Widow
9 February 2023 MT 23:23-39
MK 12:41-44
LK 21:1-4
Episode 0795 (MP3)
Jesus Talks To Jews About His Impending Death After Being Sought By Greeks
10 February 2023 John 12:20-43
Episode 0796 (MP3)
Jesus Reminds His Listeners That He Represents The Father's Desire To Save The Lost
13 February 2023 John 12:36-50;
MT 24:1-2
MK 13:1-2
LK 21:5
Episode 0797 (MP3)
Jesus' Olivet Discourse Warns Of Troubles Before The AD 70 Destruction Of The Temple
14 February 2023 MT 1-13
MK 13:1-9
LK 21:5-19
Episode 0798 (MP3)
Jesus Encourages His Followers To Uphold The Gospel Even Amidst Intense Persecution
15 February 2023 MT 24:9-16
MK 9-11
LK 21:12-21
Episode 0799 (MP3)
Jesus References Daniel 9 In Predicting The AD 70 Destruction Of The Temple
16 February 2023 MT 24:15
MK 13:14
LK 21:20;
Daniel 9:24-27
Episode 0800 (MP3)
Jesus Tells His Followers To Abandon Jerusalem After They See The Abomination Of Desolation (Armies Around Jerusalem)
17 February 2023 Daniel 9:24-27;
MT 24:15-20
MK 13:14-18
LK 21:20-24
Episode 0801 (MP3)
The AD 70 Destruction Of Jerusalem & The Temple Was The Worst Event In Jewish World History
20 February 2023 MT 24:15-29
MK 13:14-25
LK 21:20-26
Episode 0802 (MP3)
Jesus Talks About The Day Of The Lord & His 2nd Coming
21 February 2023 MT 24:29-42
MK 13:24-33
LK 21:25:34
Episode 0803 (MP3)
Jesus Urges His Followers To Always Be Ready For His Coming
22 February 2023 MT 24:42-25:30
MK 13:33-36
LK 21:34-36
Episode 0804 (MP3)
After Jesus Finishes His Olivet Discourse, He Talks About His Impending Death & Judas Goes To The Sanhedrin To Betray Jesus To Them
23 February 2023 MT 25:31-26:16
MK 14:1-11
LK 21:37-22:6
Episode 0805 (MP3)
Jesus Arranges To Eat The Passover With His Apostles At A Secret Location In Jerusalem
24 February 2023 MT 26:17-20
MK 14:12-17
LK 22:7-14
JN 13:1
Episode 0806 (MP3)
Jesus Gathers With His Apostles For The Passover Meal As 1*14 Commences At Sunset On Thursday
27 February 2023 MT 26:20
MK 14:17
LK 22:14-18
JN 13:1-5
Episode 0807 (MP3)
Jesus Illustrates Servant Leadership By Washing The Feet Of The Apostles
28 February 2023 MT 26:20
MK 14:17
LK 22:14-30
JN 13:1-20
Episode 0808 (MP3)
Jesus Talks About His Betrayer
1 March 2023 MT 26:21-28
MK 14:18-24
LK 22:19-23
JN 13:21-30
Episode 0809 (MP3)
Jesus Establishes 'The Lord's Supper' During 'The Last Supper'
2 March 2023 MT 26:26-30
MK 14:22-26
LK 22:19-20
1 Corinthians 11:23-26;
John 13:31-35
Episode 0810 (MP3)
Jesus Predicts His Death & Resurrection, The Abandonment Of His Apostles, The Denials Of Peter, But Still Focuses Upon His Mission To Save
3 March 2023 MT 26:30-35
MK 14:26-31
LK 22:31-38
JN 13:36-14:4
Episode 0811 (MP3)
Jesus Tries To Comfort & Encourage The Eleven Apostles Before His Death, Resurrection & Ascension
6 March 2023 John 14:1-23
Episode 0812 (MP3)
Jesus Encourages His Apostles With The Promise Of The Holy Spirit
7 March 2023 John 14:18-15:7
Episode 0813 (MP3)
Jesus Talks To His Apostles About Their Need To Love As He Loved & To Be Witnesses On His Behalf
8 March 2023 John 15:1-27
Episode 0814 (MP3)
Jesus Talks To His Disciples About The Coming Ministry Of The Indwelling Holy Spirit
9 March 2023 John 16:1-25
Episode 0815 (MP3)
Jesus Prays On Behalf Of His Apostles & Disciples Of All Time, Including For Us Today
10 March 2023 John 16:20-18:1
Episode 0816 (MP3)
Jesus Prays Intently At The Garden Of Gethsemane
13 March 2023 MT 26:36-46
MK 14:32-42
LK 22:39-46
JN 18:1-3
Episode 0817 (MP3)
Jesus Betrayed & Arrested In The Garden Of Gethsemane
14 March 2023 MT 26:44-56
MK 14:39-52
LK 22:42-53
JN 18:3-12
Episode 0818 (MP3)
Jesus Taken Before Annas, While Peter Awaits In The Courtyard, Denying He Knows The Lord
15 March 2023 MT 26:57-58, 69-72
MK 14:53-54, 65-70
LK 22:54-58
JN 18:12-25
Episode 0819 (MP3)
Jesus Condemned & Beaten At The High Priest's Residence During The Early Morning Hours Of 1*14
16 March 2023 MT 26:59-68, 73-75
MK 14:55-65, 70-72
LK 22:59-65
JN 18:25-27
Episode 0820 (MP3)
Jesus Officially Condemned By The Sanhedrin At Sunrise On 1*14 And Immediately Taken To Pilate For Roman Condemnation & Execution
17 March 2023 MT 27:1-2
MK 15:1-2
LK 22:66-23:3
JN 18:28-36
Episode 0821 (MP3)
After Interviewing Jesus, Pilate Declares That He Is Not Guilty Of A Capital Crime
20 March 2023 MT 27:2-14
MK 15:1-5
LK 23:1-4
JN 18:28-38
Episode 0822 (MP3)
Pilate Tries In Vain To Release Jesus As His Passover Amnesty Person
21 March 2023 MT 27:15-26
MK 15:6-15
LK 23:5-25
JN 18:39-40
Episode 0823 (MP3)
After Having Jesus Scouraged & Mocked, Pilate Finally Condemns Him To Crucifixion As The Sanhedrin Demanded
22 March 2023 MT 27:21-31
MK 15:12-20
LK 23:18-25
JN 18:39-19:16
Episode 0824 (MP3)
Jesus Taken To Golgotha & Crucified
23 March 2023 MT 27:32-38
MK 15:21-27
LK 23:26-34
JN 19:16-20
Episode 0825 (MP3)
The Jewish Leadership Objects To Pilate's Charge Post & Jesus Asks John To Take Care Of His Mother, Mary
24 March 2023 MT 27:36-43
MK 15:23-32
LK 23:33-35
JN 19:17-27
Episode 0826 (MP3)
Jesus Cries Out To God The Father At The End Of Three Hours Of Darkness
27 March 2023 MT 27:39-46
MK 15:29-34
LK 23:35-44
JN 19:27
Episode 0827 (MP3)
Jesus Dies As The Atoning Sacrifice For Sin
28 March 2023 MT 27:46-56
MK 15:34-42
LK 23:45-49
JN 19:28-32
Episode 0828 (MP3)
Jesus Laid To Rest In The Nearby Tomb Of Joseph Of Arimathea
29 March 2023 MT 27:57-61
MK 15:42-47
LK 23:50-55
JN 19:31-42
Episode 0829 (MP3)
The Women Discover The Open & Empty Tomb
30 March 2023 MT 27:61-28:4
MK 15:47-16:5
LK 23:55-24:4
JN 20:1-4
Episode 0830 (MP3)
The Women Are The First To Hear The Good News Of Jesus' Resurrection
31 March 2023 MT 28:5-10
MK 16:5-8
LK 24:3-10
JN 20:1-10
Episode 0831 (MP3)
The Women Are The First Witnesses To The Resurrection
3 April 2023 MT 28:8-15
MK 16:8
LK 24:9-12
JN 11-17
Episode 0832 (MP3)
Jesus Appears To The Two Men On The Road To Emmaus & To Peter
4 April 2023 Luke 24:10-34; 1 Corinthians 15:3-5
Episode 0833 (MP3)
The Resurrected Jesus Appears To His Apostles & Disciples In A Locked Room At Jerusalem On The Evening Of His Resurrection
5 April 2023 LK 24:33-49
JN 20:19-23; 1 Corinthians 15:3-5
Episode 0834 (MP3)
After Jesus Appears To Thomas & The Apostles At Jerusalem A Week After The Resurrection, They Finally Travel To Galilee As Originally Instructed
6 April 2023 John 20:24-21:3; Matthew 28:16; 1 Corinthians 15:3-9
Episode 0835 (MP3)
The Resurrected Jesus Appears To His Apostles A Third Time On The Shore Of The Sea Of Galilee
7 April 2023 John 21:1-19
Episode 0836 (MP3)
The False Rumor About John The Apostle & Jesus' Giving Of The Great Commission
10 April 2023 John 21:18-25;
Matthew 28:16-20
Episode 0837 (MP3)
Jesus Commissions His Apostles Before Ascending Back To The Father From The Mount Of Olives
11 April 2023 Matthew 28:18-20;
LK 24:44-53
AC 1:1-13
Episode 0838 (MP3)
The Apostles Select A Replacement For Judas Iscariot
12 April 2023 Acts 1:1-2:1
Episode 0839 (MP3)
The Twelve Apostles Are Immersed In God's Holy Spirit & Begin Speaking In Unlearned Languages On Pentecost
13 April 2023 Acts 2:1-16
Episode 0840 (MP3)
Peter Preaches About The Crucified, Resurrected & Ascended Jesus On Pentecost
14 April 2023 Acts 2:14-37
Episode 0841 (MP3)
Peter Offers The First Gospel Invitation On Pentecost AD 33
17 April 2023 Acts 2:36-41
Episode 0842 (MP3)
The Focus Points Of The Earliest Church Of Jesus Christ
18 April 2023 Acts 2:42-3:5
Episode 0843 (MP3)
Peter Preaches A Second Gospel Sermon After Healing A Man Lame From Birth
19 April 2023 Acts 3:1-4:2
Episode 0844 (MP3)
Peter & John Testify About Jesus To The Sanhedrin
20 April 2023 Acts 4:1-33
Episode 0845 (MP3)
Ananias & Sapphira Are Punished By God For Lying To God About A Charitable Donation
21 April 2023 Acts 4:29-5:15
Episode 0846 (MP3)
After An Angelic Jailbreak, The Apostles Appear Before The Sanhedrin To Proclaim The Gospel Of Jesus Christ
24 April 2023 Acts 5:12-32
Episode 0847 (MP3)
Following Gamaliel's Advice, The Sanhedrin Doesn't Execute The Apostles, But Only Beats & Releases Them
25 April 2023 Acts 5:27-6:3
Episode 0848 (MP3)
The Selection Of The Seven Greek Speaking 'Deacons" & The Ministry Of Stephen, Who Was One Of Them
26 April 2023 Acts 6:1-14
Episode 0849 (MP3)
Stephen Responds To The Charges That He's Disrespecting God By Showing From History How The Israels Repeatedly Disrespected God
27 April 2023 Acts 7:1-43
Episode 0850 (MP3)
After His Defense Before The Sanhedrin, Stephen Is Stone & Saul Of Tarsus Begins Persecuting Believers In Jesus On Behalf Of The Sanhedrin
28 April 2023 Acts 7:35-8:3
Episode 0851 (MP3)
After Saul's Persecution Of The Church Began, Philip Engaged In A Very Successful Ministry At Samaria
1 May 2023 Acts 8:1-16
Episode 0852 (MP3)
Peter & John Impart The Gifts Of The Holy Spirit At Samaria, After Which Philip Is Used By God To Convert The Ethiopian Eunuch
2 May 2023 Acts 8:12-40
Episode 0853 (MP3)
The Resurrected Lord Jesus Appears To Saul Of Tarsus Just Outside Damascus

"Personal Testimony Of The Apostle Paul" (PDF)
3 May 2023 Acts 9:1-18
Episode 0854 (MP3)
Saul Taught By Jesus In Arabia Before Coming Back To Damascus To Preach The Gospel

"Personal Testimony Of The Apostle Paul" (PDF)
4 May 2023 Acts 9:10-27
Episode 0855 (MP3)
Saul's Ministry At Both Damascus & Jerusalem Was Cut Short By Plots Against His Life

"Personal Testimony Of The Apostle Paul" (PDF)
5 May 2023 Acts 9:26-50
Episode 0856 (MP3)
The Blessing Of Steadfastness In The Face Of Various Trials
8 May 2023 James 1:1-12
Episode 0857 (MP3)
Resisting Temptation By Attending To God's Word
9 May 2023 James 1:13-25
Episode 0858 (MP3)
True Religion Is Demonstrated By An Unbiased & Loving Attitude Toward Others
10 May 2023 James 1:26-2:19
Episode 0859 (MP3)
True Faith Is Active & Tongues Can Only Be Controlled By God's Wisdom
11 May 2023 James 2:17-3:15
Episode 0860 (MP3)
Believers Need To Act With God's Wisdom & With Personal Humility And Concern For Others
12 May 2023 James 3:13-4:12
Episode 0861 (MP3)
All Of Us Need To Submit To & Trust In God's Timing For Our Lives
15 May 2023 James 4:13-5:11
Episode 0862 (MP3)
The Importance & Power Of Prayer
16 May 2023 James 5:12-20
Episode 0863 (MP3)
The Ministry Of Peter At Lydda & Joppa As Background To The Story Of Cornelius
17 May 2023 Acts 9:31-10:3
Episode 0864 (MP3)
At God's Direction, Cornelius Invites Peter To Come From Joppa To Caesarea
18 May 2023 Acts 10:1-24
Episode 0865 (MP3)
Peter Addresses The Assembled Gentiles In Cornelius' House At Caesarea
19 May 2023 Acts 10:24-46
Episode 0866 (MP3)
Peter Oversees The Conversion Of The Very First Fully-Gentile Believers At Caesarea, After Which He Defends His Actions Before The Church At Jerusalem
22 May 2023 Acts 10:34-11:18
Episode 0867 (MP3)
The Majority-Gentile Church At Antioch Begins & The Majority-Jewish Church At Jerusalem Sends Barnabas There To Help It Grow, So Barnabas Brings Saul From Tarsus To Help Him Do Just That
23 May 2023 Acts 11:19-26
Episode 0868 (MP3)
The Majority-Gentile Church At Antioch Sends Assistance To The Majority-Jew Church In Judea & Peter Is Miraculously Rescued From The Deadly Intentions Of King Herod Agrippa
24 May 2023 Acts 11:25-12:17
Episode 0869 (MP3)
God's Angel Rescues Peter, King Herod Agippa I Dies At Caesarea & The Holy Spirit Directs Barnabas And Saul To Preach On The Island Of Cyprus
25 May 2023 Acts 12:18-13:6
Episode 0870 (MP3)
Barnabas & Saul/Paul Minister On The Island Of Cyprus & Then Travel To Antioch Of Pisidia
26 May 2023 Acts 13:4-21
Episode 0871 (MP3)
Paul Preaches The Gospel At The Synagogue In Antioch Of Pisidia
29 May 2023 Acts 13:14-42
Episode 0872 (MP3)
Paul & Barnabas Carry On Their Evangelistic Ministry At Antioch, Iconium & Lystra
30 May 2023 Acts 13:42-14:12
Episode 0873 (MP3)
Paul & Barnabas Retrace Their Steps, Appointing Elders In The Churches At Derbe, Lystra, Iconium, Antioch And Possibly Perga
31 May 2023 Acts 14:8-15:1
Episode 0874 (MP3)
The Beginning Of The Judaizer Heresy
1 June 2023 Acts 15:1;
Galatians 2:11-14
Episode 0875 (MP3)
Paul Publicly Rebukes Peter, Barnabas & Other Jews At Antioch For Caving Into The Heresy Of The Judaizers
2 June 2023 Acts 15:1-4;
Galatians 2:11-21
Episode 0876 (MP3)
The Judaizer Heresy Threatens The Early Church
5 June 2023 Acts 15:1-5;
Galatians 2:1-2, 11-16
Episode 0877 (MP3)
The Apostolic Leadership Response To The Heresy Of Judaizing
6 June 2023 Acts 15:5-20;
Galatians 2:1-10
Episode 0878 (MP3)
The Jerusalem Decree Regarding The Heresy Of Judaizing
7 June 2023 Acts 15:13-29
Episode 0879 (MP3)
The Inspired Letter Of Response To The Heresy Of Judaizing Delivered To Antioch, Syria
8 June 2023 Acts 15:22-41
Episode 0880 (MP3)
Paul Begins His Second Missionary Journey, Joined By Silas, Timothy & Luke Along The Way
9 June 2023 Acts 15:36-16:10
Episode 0881 (MP3)
Paul Is Shocked That Some Of The Galatians Have Caved To The Heresy Of Judaizing
12 June 2023 Galatians 1:1-16
Episode 0882 (MP3)
Paul Shares His Personal Testimony Of Conversion To Faith In Jesus & Of His Defense Against The Judaizing Heresy
13 June 2023 Galatians 1:11-2:10
Episode 0883 (MP3)
Paul Emphasizes The Truth That Salvation Is By Faith In Jesus & Not By Keeping The Law Of Moses
14 June 2023 Galatians 2:11-3:6
Episode 0884 (MP3)
Righteousness Comes By Faith Like That Of Abraham & Not By The Keeping Of The Law Of Moses
15 June 2023 Galatians 3:1-19
Episode 0885 (MP3)
The Law Was Like A Child-Leading Servant, Acting As The Strict Guardian Of The Israelis From The Time Of Moses Until The Time Of Jesus
16 June 2023 Galatians 3:15-4:3
Episode 0886 (MP3)
Paul Explains Further How Salvation Comes By Faith In Christ, Not By Being Under The Law
19 June 2023 Galatians 3:23-4:20
Episode 0887 (MP3)
Paul Makes His Allegory About The Two Sons Of Abraham, One Of Flesh & The Other Of Promise
20 June 2023 Galatians 4:21-5:13
Episode 0888 (MP3)
Believers Must Not Do The Works Of The Flesh, But Rather Produce The Fruit Of The Holy Spirit
21 June 2023 Galatians 5:13-23
Episode 0889 (MP3)
Paul Wraps Up His Letter To The Galatians With Some Final Appeals To Live For Christ In Every Aspect Of Life
22 June 2023 Galatians 5:16-6:18
Episode 0890 (MP3)
Paul, Silas, Timothy & Dr. Luke Begin Ministering At The Roman Colony Of Philippi In Makedonia
23 June 2023 Acts 16:6-18
Episode 0891 (MP3)
A Miraculous Earthquake Results In The Salvation Of The Philippian Jailer
26 June 2023 Acts 16:16-37
Episode 0892 (MP3)
After Leaving Philippi, Paul & Silas Minister For About A Month At Thessalonika
27 June 2023 Acts 16:35-17:10
Episode 0893 (MP3)
Paul Ministers Briefly To The Bereans Before Heading Off To Athens
28 June 2023 Acts 17:10-23
Episode 0894 (MP3)
Paul Preaches At The Areopagus In Athens
29 June 2023 Acts 17:22-18:2
Episode 0895 (MP3)
Paul Begins A Successful Period Of Ministry At Corinth
30 June 2023 Acts 18:1-11;
1 Thessalonians 1:1-3
Episode 0896 (MP3)
Paul Lets The Thessalonians Know How Much He Cares About Them
3 July 2023 1 Thessalonians 1:1-2:6
Episode 0897 (MP3)
Paul Considers The Inevitable Affliction Of The Thessalonians Due To Their Faith In Christ
4 July 2023 1 Thessalonians 2:1-3:5
Episode 0898 (MP3)
Paul Encourages His Thessalonian Spiritual Children To Live Their Lives For God
5 July 2023 1 Thessalonians 3:1-4:13
Episode 0899 (MP3)
Paul Encourages The Thessalonians With Some Truths About The Resurrection Of Believers & About The Second Coming Of Christ
6 July 2023 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:6
Episode 0900 (MP3)
Paul Encourages His Spiritual Children At Thessalonika To Live Godly Lives
7 July 2023 1 Thessalonians 5:1-28
Episode 0901 (MP3)
Paul Writes To The Thessalonian Believers A Second Time
10 July 2023 2 Thessalonians 1:1-2:3
Episode 0902 (MP3)
Paul Begins Describing The Man Of Lawlessness
11 July 2023 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4
Episode 0903 (MP3)
Paul's 'Man Of Lawlessness' Is Parallel To 'The False Prophet' Of Revelation
12 July 2023 2 Thessalonians 2:1-13
Episode 0904 (MP3)
Paul Encourages The Thessalonians To Live For The Lord
13 July 2023 2 Thessalonians 2:13-3:18
Episode 0905 (MP3)
Paul Finishes His 2nd Missionary Journey & Begins His 3rd Missionary Journey
14 July 2023 Acts 18:1-23
Episode 0906 (MP3)
Paul Begins His 3rd Missionary Journey, Focusing His Ministry Upon Ephesus In Asia Province
17 July 2023 Acts 18:22-19:10
Episode 0907 (MP3)
Paul Ministers At Ephesus - Impacting All Of Asia Province - For Two Years
18 July 2023 Acts 19:8-23
Episode 0908 (MP3)
Paul Writes To The Corinthian Believers After Becoming Concerned About The Church There
19 July 2023 1 Corinthians 1:1-20
Episode 0909 (MP3)
Paul Highlights The Gospel Jesus Christ As Superior To Any Of Man's Wisdom
20 July 2023 1 Corinthians 1:17-2:13
Episode 0910 (MP3)
Paul Continues To Focus On The Need Of Attending To The Wisdom Of God Rather Than That Of The World
21 July 2023 1 Corinthians 2:6-3:19
Episode 0911 (MP3)
Paul Urges His Spiritual Children At Corinth To Respect & Imitate Him
24 July 2023 1 Corinthians 3:16-4:17
Episode 0912 (MP3)
Paul Expresses His Frustration With His Spiritual Children Tolerating Sinful Behavior Within The Church At Corinth
25 July 2023 1 Corinthians 4:14-5:13
Episode 0913 (MP3)
Paul Challenges The Corinthian Believers To Enforce Better Behavior Within The Church Community
26 July 2023 1 Corinthians 6:1-15
Episode 0914 (MP3)
Paul Addresses The Issues Of Sexual Immorality & Of Marriage
27 July 2023 1 Corinthians 6:12-7:11
Episode 0915 (MP3)
Paul Offers Guidance Regarding Marriage
28 July 2023 1 Corinthians 7:10-28
Episode 0916 (MP3)
Paul Finishes Answering The Question About Whether Christians Should Marry Or Remain Single
31 July 2023 1 Corinthians 7:25-8:6
Episode 0917 (MP3)
Paul Promotes Loving Others As The Key In Christian Living
1 August 2023 1 Corinthians 8:1-9:11
Episode 0918 (MP3)
Paul Explains His Choice Of Not Demanding His Right To Be Paid For Preaching Out Of Local Ministry Funds
2 August 2023 1 Corinthians 9:8-27
Episode 0919 (MP3)
Paul Presents Jewish Scripture As A Tool In Avoiding Temptation & Sin
3 August 2023 1 Corinthians 10:1-14
Episode 0920 (MP3)
Paul Finishes Up His Answer About Eating Meat Sacrificed To Idols
4 August 2023 1 Corinthians 10:12-11:1
Episode 0921 (MP3)
The Issue Of Prayer & Head Coverings
7 August 2023 1 Corinthians 11:2-15
Episode 0922 (MP3)
Head Coverings & Fellowship Dinners
8 August 2023 1 Corinthians 11:2-27
Episode 0923 (MP3)
Proper Behavior At Church Dinners & The Beginning Of Paul's Discussion About Supernatural Gifting By The Holy Spirit
9 August 2023 1 Corinthians 11:23-12:13
Episode 0924 (MP3)
Paul Talks About The Need For Unity Within The Body Of Christ, Specifically In Regard To Supernatural Gifts
10 August 2023 1 Corinthians 12:1-13:7
Episode 0925 (MP3)
Paul Explains That Love Must Control Our Attitudes Regarding Supernatural Gifts From The Holy Spirit
11 August 2023 1 Corinthians 13:4-14:11
Episode 0926 (MP3)
Paul Urges Supernatural Gifts To Be Used For The Benefit Of The Church & Not Individuals
14 August 2023 1 Corinthians 14:6-34
Episode 0927 (MP3)
Paul Finishes His Instruction About Proper Decorum In Worship & Begins Upholding The Importance Of The Bodily Resurrection Of Jesus
15 August 2023 1 Corinthians 14:33-15:8
Episode 0928 (MP3)
Paul Presents The Futility Of Believing In Christ But Not In The Bodily Resurrection
16 August 2023 1 Corinthians 15:3-33
Episode 0929 (MP3)
Paul Upholds The Truth Of Bodily Resurrection
17 August 2023 1 Corinthians 15:20-58
Episode 0930 (MP3)
Paul Finishes His Letter With Final Instructions That Include Some Of His Plans For The Near Future
18 August 2023 1 Corinthians 16:1-24
Episode 0931 (MP3)
A Religious Riot At Ephesus Advances The Timing Of Paul's Departure For Makedonia & Achaia
21 August 2023 Acts 19:21-20:1
Episode 0932 (MP3)
Paul Informs The Corinthians Of His Thinking Regarding His Travel Plans
22 August 2023 2 Corinthians 1:1-2:2
Episode 0933 (MP3)
Paul Uses Illustrations About Triumphal Processions & Letters Of Recommendation To Highlight His Ministry To The Corinthians
23 August 2023 2 Corinthians 2:1-3:8
Episode 0934 (MP3)
Paul Presents The Supremacy Of The New Covenant Of Jesus As God's Light Of Salvation
24 August 2023 2 Corinthians 3:1-4:6
Episode 0935 (MP3)
Paul Expresses The Need To Stay Focused On Jesus
25 August 2023 2 Corinthians 4:1-5:12
Episode 0936 (MP3)
Paul Writes Passionately About The Ministry Of Reconciliation
28 August 2023 2 Corinthians 5:9-6:10
Episode 0937 (MP3)
Paul Continues To Express His Deepest Feelings Regarding His Corinthian Children In The Faith
29 August 2023 2 Corinthians 6:2-7:9
Episode 0938 (MP3)
Paul Is Relieved By The Corinthians' Response To His First Letter
30 August 2023 2 Corinthians 7:5-8:15
Episode 0939 (MP3)
Paul Urges The Corinthians To Be Ready With Their Special Offering For The Poor Believers In Judea
31 August 2023 2 Corinthians 8:1-9:12
Episode 0940 (MP3)
Paul Urges The Corinthians To Give Generously And With An Attitude Of Thankfulness To God For His Generosity In Christ
1 September 2023 2 Corinthians 9:6-11:3
Episode 0941 (MP3)
Paul Expresses His Frustration Regarding The Corinthian Acceptance Of The 'Super Apostles'
4 September 2023 2 Corinthians 11:1-22
Episode 0942 (MP3)
Paul Writes Reluctantly Of The Difficulties Which Arose In His Ministry As Apostle To The Gentiles
5 September 2023 2 Corinthians 11:22-12:5
Episode 0943 (MP3)
Paul Is Brutally Transparent With The Corinthians Regarding His Apostolic Ministry Toward Them
6 September 2023 2 Corinthians 12:1-20
Episode 0944 (MP3)
Paul Makes A Final Appeal For Proper Corinthian Readiness For His Upcoming, Third Visit
7 September 2023 2 Corinthians 12:14-13:14
Episode 0945 (MP3)
Paul Opens His Letter With His Commitment To Taking The Gospel To Rome...And Beyond
8 September 2023 Romans 1:1-15
Episode 0946 (MP3)
Paul Wants To Preach The Gospel To Everyone Because Everyone Needs It
11 September 2023 Romans 1:8-25
Episode 0947 (MP3)
The Rejection Of God As Creator & Of The Moral Aspects Of His Design Lead To All Sorts Of Sinful Behaviors
12 September 2023 Romans 1:24-2:5
Episode 0948 (MP3)
God Judges Everyone Based On Their Heart-Prompted Actions, Not On Their Ethnicity
13 September 2023 Romans 2:1-3:6
Episode 0949 (MP3)
We Are All - Gentiles & Jews - Lost By Our Sin & Saved By God's Grace
14 September 2023 Romans 2:28-3:31
Episode 0950 (MP3)
Like Abraham, We Trust God In Jesus Christ & That Is Counted To Us As Righteousness
15 September 2023 Romans 4:1-5:5
Episode 0951 (MP3)
Adam Gave Us Sin & Death, While Jesus Gave Us Righteousness & Life
18 September 2023 Romans 5:1-6:5
Episode 0952 (MP3)
Sin Kills Us, While Christ Resurrects Us
19 September 2023 Romans 6:1-7:12
Episode 0953 (MP3)
Jesus Rescued Believers From The Law Of Sin & Death
20 September 2023 Romans 7:7-8:6
Episode 0954 (MP3)
We're Living By The Spirit & Not Under The Law
21 September 2023 Romans 8:1-31
Episode 0955 (MP3)
Nothing Outside Our Free Will Can Separate Us From Salvation In Christ Jesus
22 September 2023 Romans 8:18-9:8
Episode 0956 (MP3)
Israel Was Used By God To Keep His Promises, Despite Some Israeli Unbelief Along The Way
25 September 2023 Romans 9:1-26
Episode 0957 (MP3)
Salvation By Faith Is Intended For Everyone, Regardless Of Ethnicity
26 September 2023 Romans 9:22-10:13
Episode 0958 (MP3)
All Can Be Saved By Calling Upon Jesus, But Not All Are Willing To Do So
27 September 2023 Romans 10:5-11:11
Episode 0959 (MP3)
God Is Not Finished With The Ethnic Israelis
28 September 2023 Romans 11:11-36
Episode 0960 (MP3)
This Is How We Christians Serve God...By Living With Others In Love
29 September 2023 Romans 12:1-21
Episode 0961 (MP3)
Christians Must Obey The Laws Of The Land, Unless They Specifically Contradict A Command From God
2 October 2023 Romans 13:1-10
Episode 0962 (MP3)
Love Must Control Inter-Personal Relationships Within The Church
3 October 2023 Romans 13:8-14:23
Episode 0963 (MP3)
Mature Christians Must Respect & Look Out For The Opinions Of Less Mature Christians
4 October 2023 Romans 14:13-15:21
Episode 0964 (MP3)
Paul Wraps Up His Letter To The Romans With Many Personal Greetings
5 October 2023 Romans 15:14-16:27
Episode 0965 (MP3)
Paul Heads For Jerusalem, Meeting With The Ephesian Elders Along The Way
6 October 2023 Acts 20:1-30
Episode 0966 (MP3)
Paul Speaks Plainly To The Elders Of Ephesus
9 October 2023 Acts 20:16-21:4
Episode 0967 (MP3)
Paul Insists On Going To Jerusalem Despite Warnings From The Holy Spirit
10 October 2023 Acts 21:3-24
Episode 0968 (MP3)
Paul Heeds The Advice Of James And Ends Up Being At The Center Of A Riot In The Temple
11 October 2023 Acts 21:20-37
Episode 0969 (MP3)
After Being Arrested During The Temple Riot, Paul Is Allowed To Address The Jewish Crowd
12 October 2023 Acts 21:27-22:22
Episode 0970 (MP3)
Paul Appears Before The Sanhedrin, Resulting In A Mini Riot Between Pharisees & Sadducees
13 October 2023 Acts 22:21-23:11
Episode 0971 (MP3)
Because Of A Jewish Plot Against His Life, Paul Is Transferred From Jerusalem To Caesarea
16 October 2023 Acts 23:1-35
Episode 0972 (MP3)
Paul Pleads His Innocence Before Felix, But Ends Up Being Detained Two Years Without A Decision In His Favor Of His Release
17 October 2023 Acts 24:1-27
Episode 0973 (MP3)
Paul Appeals His Case To Caesar Nero
18 October 2023 Acts 24:24-25:22
Episode 0974 (MP3)
Paul Testifies Before Agrippa II
19 October 2023 Acts 25:23-26:23
Episode 0975 (MP3)
Paul Tries To Convert Agrippa II Just Before Being Shipped Off To Rome
20 October 2023 Acts 26:19-27:9
Episode 0976 (MP3)
Paul's Ship To Rome Is Caught Up In A Great Storm
23 October 2023 Acts 27:1-26
Episode 0977 (MP3)
Paul Is Shipwrecked On The Island Of Malta
24 October 2023 Acts 27:27-28:6
Episode 0978 (MP3)
Paul Arrives At Rome Where He Immediately Begins Ministering To Jews And To Gentiles
25 October 2023 Acts 28:1-31
Episode 0979 (MP3)
Paul Writes To The Philippian Believers Who Have Consistently Supported His Ministry
26 October 2023 Philippians 1:1-21
Episode 0980 (MP3)
We Must Adopt The Humble, Caring & Self-Sacrificing Attitude Of Jesus
27 October 2023 Philippians 1:12-2:11
Episode 0981 (MP3)
Paul Praises The Work Of Epaphroditus On Behalf Of The Philippians
30 October 2023 Philippians 2:3-3:3
Episode 0982 (MP3)
It's About A Future With Christ & Others, Not About Ourselves In The Present
31 October 2023 Philippians 3:2-21
Episode 0983 (MP3)
Rejoice In The Lord Always!
1 November 2023 Philippians 4:1-23
Episode 0984 (MP3)
Paul Urges His Friend Philemon To Accept The Runaway Slave Onesimus Back As A Brother In Christ
2 November 2023 Philemon
Episode 0985 (MP3)
It Is All About Jesus
3 November 2023 Ephesians 1:1-23
Episode 0986 (MP3)
We're Saved By Grace Through Faith In The Gospel Of Jesus
6 November 2023 Ephesians 1:18-2:10
Episode 0987 (MP3)
By His Atonement, Christ Broke Down The Dividing Barrier Between Jew & Gentile Believers
7 November 2023 Ephesians 2:8-22
Episode 0988 (MP3)
We Are Saved By Faith In Jesus & Filled With The Holy Spirit & Need To Act Accordingly
8 November 2023 Ephesians 3:1-21
Episode 0989 (MP3)
Paul Describes The Ideal Unity Of The Body Of Christ
9 November 2023 Ephesians 4:1-17
Episode 0990 (MP3)
The Christian Lifestyle Is One Of Genuine Repentance From Sinful Behavior
10 November 2023 Ephesians 4:17-5:3
Episode 0991 (MP3)
The 'Do's & 'Don't's Of The Christian Lifestyle
13 November 2023 Ephesians 4:17-5:18
Episode 0992 (MP3)
Submit To One Another Out Of Reverence For Christ
14 November 2023 Ephesians 5:15-20
Episode 0993 (MP3)
Everything We Do As Christians Is Done For Christ
15 November 2023 Ephesians 5:25-6:8
Episode 0994 (MP3)
Doing What Is Best In Every Situation Of Life
16 November 2023 Ephesians 6:5-14
Episode 0995 (MP3)
Put On The Armor Of Jesus Christ
17 November 2023 Ephesians 6:10-24
Episode 0996 (MP3)
Again...It's All About Jesus
20 November 2023 Colossians 1:1-19
Episode 0997 (MP3)
After Being Saved By Jesus, Stay Safe With Jesus
21 November 2023 Colossians 1:15-2:8
Episode 0998 (MP3)
Jesus Saves Us, Nothing Else
22 November 2023 Colossians 2:8-18
Episode 0999 (MP3)
Don't Get Sucked Into The Heresy Of Judaizing
23 November 2023 Colossians 2:16-3:9
Episode 1000 (MP3)
Live The New Life In Christ
24 November 2023 Colossians 3:1-17
Episode 1001 (MP3)
Paul Urges The Best Christian Behavior In All Aspects Of Life
27 November 2023 Colossians 3:17-4:18
Episode 1002 (MP3)
Paul Reminds Timothy Of His Role Defending The Faith At Ephesus
28 November 2023 1 Timothy 1:1-17
Episode 1003 (MP3)
Prayer Is Needed
29 November 2023 1 Timothy 1:12-2:8
Episode 1004 (MP3)
Some Words About Women In Worship
30 November 2023 1 Timothy 2:8-3:1
Episode 1005 (MP3)
Qualities Of An Overseer
1 December 2023 1 Timothy 3:1-7
Episode 1006 (MP3)
Qualities Of Servant Leaders
4 December 2023 1 Timothy 3:8-15
Episode 1007 (MP3)
False Teaching Departs From The True Faith In Christ
5 December 2023 1 Timothy 3:14-4:7
Episode 1008 (MP3)
Command & Teach From God's Word
6 December 2023 1 Timothy 4:7-16
Episode 1009 (MP3)
Support Guidelines For Widows In The Church
7 December 2023 1 Timothy 5:1-16
Episode 1010 (MP3)
Financial Support For Preaching/Teaching Elders
8 December 2023 1 Timothy 5:17-25
Episode 1011 (MP3)
There IS Great Gain In Genuine Godliness
11 December 2023 1 Timothy 6:1-10
Episode 1012 (MP3)
The "Good Confession"
12 December 2023 1 Timothy 6:10-21
Episode 1013 (MP3)
Titus Left On Crete With A Mission In Mind
13 December 2023 Titus 1:1-9
Episode 1014 (MP3)
Good Elders Promote & Protect Good Teaching
14 December 2023 Titus 1:5-2:3
Episode 1015 (MP3)
Good Teaching For Christians Of All Ages
15 December 2023 Titus 2:1-10
Episode 1016 (MP3)
Teaching Good Behavior
18 December 2023 Titus 2:7-3:2
Episode 1017 (MP3)
Final Instructions For Titus
19 December 2023 Titus 3:1-15
Episode 1018 (MP3)
Born Again To A Living Hope
20 December 2023 1 Peter 1:1-9
Episode 1019 (MP3)
Let's Be Holy Like God
21 December 2023 1 Peter 1:1-21
Episode 1020 (MP3)
Born Again Via God's Word
22 December 2023 1 Peter 1:14-2:5
Episode 1021 (MP3)
Living Stones
25 December 2023 1 Peter 2:4-12
Episode 1022 (MP3)
Submission To Human Governments & Human Masters/Employers
26 December 2023 1 Peter 2:9-21
Episode 1023 (MP3)
Submission In Employment & In Marriage
27 December 2023 1 Peter 2:18-3:7
Episode 1024 (MP3)
Treating People Right
28 December 2023 1 Peter 3:8-20
Episode 1025 (MP3)
Speaking Of Immersion...
29 December 2023 1 Peter 3:17-22
Episode 1026 (MP3)
Life As A Christian
1 January 2024 1 Peter 4:1-9
Episode 1027 (MP3)
Suffering As A Christian
2 January 2024 1 Peter 4:10-5:1
Episode 1028 (MP3)
Peter's Closing Words To His Fellow Shepherds
3 January 2024 1 Peter 5:1-14
Episode 1029 (MP3)
Christian Character Described
4 January 2024 2 Peter 1:1-15
Episode 1030 (MP3)
Peter's Personal Testimony About His Gospel Message
5 January 2024 2 Peter 1:12-2:1
Episode 1031 (MP3)
How God Dealt With Trouble Makers In The History Of Genesis
8 January 2024 2 Peter 2:1-10
Episode 1032 (MP3)
False Teachers Characterized By Peter
9 January 2024 2 Peter 2:4-15
Episode 1033 (MP3)
False Teachers Are As Greedy & Treacherous As Balaam
10 January 2024 2 Peter 2:14-3:4
Episode 1034 (MP3)
The Day Of The Lord Is Coming
11 January 2024 2 Peter 3:1-13
Episode 1035 (MP3)
Peter Says That Paul's Letters Are Scripture To Be Heeded
12 January 2024 2 Peter 3:14-18
Episode 1036 (MP3)
Paul Urges Timothy To Remain Faithful
15 January 2024 2 Timothy 1:1-14
Episode 1037 (MP3)
Preachers Need To Remain Strong In The Faith
16 January 2024 2 Timothy 1:15-2:14
Episode 1038 (MP3)
Preachers Must Handle The Word Well
17 January 2024 2 Timothy 2:14-26
Episode 1039 (MP3)
Things Will Go From Bad To Worse
18 January 2024 2 Timothy 2:22-3:13
Episode 1040 (MP3)
Preach The Word, Preachers!
19 January 2024 2 Timothy 3:10-4:6
Conversations With Omer
Meet Omer Eshel (MP3)
22 January 2024
Conversations With Omer
Antisemitism & Israel (MP3)
23 January 2024
Conversations With Omer
Antisemitism, Israel & The Hamas Atrocities (MP3)
24 January 2024
Conversations With Omer
Archaeology In Israel (MP3)
25 January 2024
Conversations With Omer
Exploring The Land Where The Bible Comes To Life (MP3)
26 January 2024
Episode 1041 (MP3)
Paul's Final Words To Timothy
29 January 2024 2 Timothy 4:1-22
Episode 1042 (MP3)
Jesus Is No Angel...He's God!
30 January 2024 Hebrews 1:1-14
Episode 1043 (MP3)
Jesus Came To Save Humans
31 January 2024 Hebrews 1:13-2:16
Episode 1044 (MP3)
Jesus Is More Significant Than Moses, Joshua Or Any High Priest
1 February 2024 Hebrews 2:14-4:1
Episode 1045 (MP3)
Don't Miss Out On God's Rest
2 February 2024 Hebrews 4:1-16
Episode 1046 (MP3)
Jesus Is Both A Faithful Son & A Perfect High Priest
5 February 2024 Hebrews 4:14-5:14
Episode 1047 (MP3)
It's Time To Grow Up
6 February 2024 Hebrews 5:11-6:12
Episode 1048 (MP3)
Jesus Is Our Anchor & Hope
7 February 2024 Hebrews 6:9-7:7
Episode 1049 (MP3)
Jesus & Melchizedek
8 February 2024 Hebrews 7:1-28
Episode 1050 (MP3)
The New & Better Covenant Of Jesus
9 February 2024 Hebrews 8:1-9:4
Episode 1051 (MP3)
Let's Talk About The Tabernacle
12 February 2024 Hebrews 9:1-14
Episode 1052 (MP3)
Only Jesus Could Enter God's Presence To Deal Effectively With Our Sin Problem
13 February 2024 Hebrews 9:11-28
Episode 1053 (MP3)
The Old Covenant Is But A Shadow Of The New
14 February 2024 Hebrews 10:1-20
Episode 1054 (MP3)
Jesus Opened The Way To God The Father By His Atoning Death
15 February 2024 Hebrews 10:19-27
Episode 1055 (MP3)
We Have Faith
16 February 2024 Hebrews 10:24-11:4
Episode 1056 (MP3)
Faith, By Definition
19 February 2024 Hebrews 11:1-19
Episode 1057 (MP3)
Faith, By Example
20 February 2024 Hebrews 11:17-40
Episode 1058 (MP3)
Run The Race!
21 February 2024 Hebrews 12:1-17
Episode 1059 (MP3)
One Last Contrast Of The Old & New Covenants
22 February 2024 Hebrews 12:18-13:10
Episode 1060 (MP3)
Final Words Of Encouragement
23 February 2024 Hebrews 13:7-25
Episode 1061 (MP3)
Contends For The Faith Against Ungodly Infiltrators
26 February 2024 Jude
Episode 1062 (MP3)
From The Hasmoneans Until King Herod The Great
27 February 2024 160 BC - 12 BC
Episode 1063 (MP3)
From King Herod The Great Until Prefect Pontius Pilate
28 February 2024 12 BC - AD 33
Episode 1064 (MP3)
The Time Of The Gospels & The Early Church
29 February 2024 AD 30s
Episode 1065 (MP3)
From The Death Of Tiberius Until The Death Of Caligula
1 March 2024 AD 37 - AD 41
Episode 1066 (MP3)
From King Herod Agrippa I Until Procurator Cummanus
4 March 2024 AD 41 - AD 51
Episode 1067 (MP3)
From Procurator Cummanus Until Procurator Festus
5 March 2024 AD 51 - AD 60
Episode 1068 (MP3)
The Final Procurators
6 March 2024 AD 60 - AD 65
Episode 1069 (MP3)
How Procurator Florus Brought About The War He Wanted
7 March 2024 AD 66
Episode 1070 (MP3)
How Eleazar & Other Jews Made Matters Worse
8 March 2024 AD 66
Episode 1071 (MP3)
The Cestius Debacle
11 March 2024 AD 66
Episode 1072 (MP3)
Josephus, Vespasian & Titus
12 March 2024 AD 66 - AD 68
Episode 1073 (MP3)
The Destruction Of Jerusalem As Prophesied By Jesus
13 March 2024 AD 68 - AD 70
Episode 1074 (MP3)
Walking In The Light Of God
14 March 2024 1 John 1:1-9
Episode 1075 (MP3)
Don't Sin...Love!
15 March 2024 1 John 1:8-2:11
Episode 1076 (MP3)
Love God & People...Not The Sinful World
18 March 2024 1 John 2:7-19
Episode 1077 (MP3)
AntiChrists Deny The Essential Truths Of The Gospel
19 March 2024 1 John 2:18-3:3
Episode 1078 (MP3)
God's Children Don't Habitually Sin, But They Do Habitually Love Others
20 March 2024 1 John 3:1-18
Episode 1079 (MP3)
Practicing True Love
21 March 2024 1 John 3:16-4:6
Episode 1080 (MP3)
Christians Practice Love, Because God Is Love
22 March 2024 1 John 4:7-5:1
Episode 1081 (MP3)
The Witness Of The Spirit, Water & Blood About Jesus
25 March 2024 1 John 4:19-5:21
Episode 1082 (MP3)
Letters From The Elder John To Those Who Bring Him Joy
26 March 2024 Second & Third John
Episode 1083 (MP3)
The Revelation Of Jesus
27 March 2024 Revelation 1:1-8
Episode 1084 (MP3)
Jesus Writes To The Seven Churches Of Roman Asia
28 March 2024 Revelation 1:9-16
Episode 1085 (MP3)
The Revealed Jesus Described
29 March 2024 Revelation 1:12-20
Episode 1086 (MP3)
Matters Related To Studying Unfulfilled Prophecy
1 April 2024
Episode 1087 (MP3)
Jesus' Dictated Letter To The Church At Ephesus
2 April 2024 Revelation 2:1-7
Episode 1088 (MP3)
Jesus' Dictated Letters To The Churches At Smyrna & Pergamum
3 April 2024 Revelation 2:8-17
Episode 1089 (MP3)
Jesus' Dictated Letters To The Churches At Thyatira & Sardis
4 April 2024 Revelation 2:18-3:6
Episode 1090 (MP3)
Jesus' Dictated Letters To The Churches At Philadelphia & Laodicea
5 April 2024 Revelation 3:7-22
Episode 1091 (MP3)
God's Heavenly Throne Room
8 April 2024 Revelation 4:1-7
Episode 1092 (MP3)
John Sees A Seven-Sealed Scroll In The Hand Of The Father
9 April 2024 Revelation 4:1-5:6
Episode 1093 (MP3)
Only The Lamb Of God Can Open The Scroll Of Final Wrath
10 April 2024 Revelation 5:1-6:2
Episode 1094 (MP3)
The First Five Seals Introduce Key Players In The Drama To Come
11 April 2024 Revelation 6:1-14
Episode 1095 (MP3)
The Breaking Of The 6th Seal Is The Beginning Of The 3 1/2 Year Day Of The Lord
12 April 2024 Revelation 6:12-7:8
Episode 1096 (MP3)
God's Final Wrath Begins
15 April 2024 Revelation 7:1-8:5
Episode 1097 (MP3)
The First Four Trumpets Announcing God's Wrath
16 April 2024 Revelation 8:1-9:1
Episode 1098 (MP3)
The 5th & 6th Trumpets Of God's Final Wrath
17 April 2024 Revelation 9:1-19
Episode 1099 (MP3)
The 6th Trumpet Of God's Final Wrath
18 April 2024 Revelation 9:13-11:1
Episode 1100 (MP3)
God's Two Witnesses
19 April 2024 Revelation 11:1-10
Episode 1101 (MP3)
The Two Witnesses & The Seventh Trumpet
22 April 2024 Revelation 11:3-19
Episode 1102 (MP3)
John's Vision Of The Woman & The Dragon
23 April 2024 Revelation 11:19-12:7
Episode 1103 (MP3)
Satan & His Angels Cast From Heaven
24 April 2024 Revelation 12:7-14
Episode 1104 (MP3)
The Woman, The Dragon & The Two Witnesses
25 April 2024 Revelation 12:13-13:2
Episode 1105 (MP3)
The Beast From The Sea
26 April 2024 Revelation 13:1-4
(Daniel 7:1-7)
Episode 1106 (MP3)
Decoding The Beast
29 April 2024 Revelation 13:5
(Daniel 2:36-45; 7:7)
Episode 1107 (MP3)
The Boastful Horn In Daniel Is The Beast Leader In Revelation
30 April 2024 Revelation 13:5-8 (Daniel 7:7-25)
Episode 1108 (MP3)
Decoding The Beast Leader
1 May 2024 Revelation 13:1-10
Episode 1109 (MP3)
Introducing The False Prophet
2 May 2024 Revelation 13:11-15
Episode 1110 (MP3)
Decoding The False Prophet
2 May 2024 Revelation 13:11-14; 17:1-18
(2 Thessalonians 2:1-4)
Episode 1111 (MP3)
The Origin Of The Papacy
6 May 2024 Revelation 13:11
(2 Thessalonians 2:1-9)
Episode 1112 (MP3)
More Decoding Of The False Prophet
7 May 2024 Revelation 13:11; 17:1-15
(2 Thessalonians 2:1-12)
Episode 1113 (MP3)
Putting It All Together
8 May 2024 Revelation 13:11-17; 17:15-18
Episode 1114 (MP3)
The 144,000 In Heaven With Jesus
9 May 2024 Revelation 13:11-14:5
Episode 1115 (MP3)
Three Public Service Announcements From God Via His Angels
10 May 2024 Revelation 14:6-13
Episode 1116 (MP3)
Personal Prophetic Speculation Regarding The Jewish Calendar
13 May 2024 Revelation 14:14-20
Episode 1117 (MP3)
A Little More Personal Prophetic Speculation Based On The Jewish Calendar
14 May 2024 Revelation 15:1-3
Episode 1118 (MP3)
The Beginning Of The Bowls Of God's Final Wrath
15 May 2024 Revelation 15:1-16:7
Episode 1119 (MP3)
The First Six Wrath Events Described In Parallel
16 May 2024 Revelation 16:1-12//Revelation 8:6-9:14
Episode 1120 (MP3)
Jerusalem Overrun & The Two Witnesses Killed After The Sixth Wrath Event
17 May 2024 Revelation 16:13-16//9:13-21
(Zecharaiah 14:1-5)
Episode 1121 (MP3)
Har Mageddon, The 7th Wrath Event & The Second Coming
20 May 2024 Revelation 16:16-21
Episode 1122 (MP3)
Second Coming Passages
21 May 2024 Revelation 16
Episode 1123 (MP3)
Babylon & The Beast
22 May 2024 Revelation 17:1-18:1
Episode 1124 (MP3)
Babylon Has Fallen
23 May 2024 Revelation 18:1-24
Episode 1125 (MP3)
The Wedding Feast Of The Lamb
24 May 2024 Revelation 19:1-10
Episode 1126 (MP3)
Preparing For Har Mageddon
27 May 2024 Revelation 19:11-16
Episode 1127 (MP3)
No Surprise...Jesus Wins!
28 May 2024 Revelation 19:11-20:4
Episode 1128 (MP3)
Millennial Passages - Amos 9
29 May 2024 Revelation 20:4-6
Episode 1129 (MP3)
Millennial Passages - Hosea 1 & 2; Micah 4; and Isaiah 11
30 May 2024 Revelation 20:4-6
Episode 1130 (MP3)
Millennial Passages - Isaiah 11 & 12 and 25 & 26
31 May 2024 Revelation 20:4-6
Episode 1131 (MP3)
Millennial Passages - Isaiah 27 & 35
3 June 2024 Revelation 20:4-6
Episode 1132 (MP3)
Millennial Passages - Isaiah 43 & 44; Joel 3
4 June 2024 Revelation 20:4-6
Episode 1133 (MP3)
Millennial Passages - Jeremiah 30 & 31; Ezekiel 40ff
5 June 2024 Revelation 20:4-6
Episode 1134 (MP3)
Millennial Passages - Ezekiel 40ff; Zechariah 14
6 June 2024 Revelation 20:4-6
Episode 1135 (MP3)
Millennial Passages - Zechariah 13 and Zephaniah 3
7 June 2024 Revelation 20:4-6
Episode 1136 (MP3)
O.T. Background For Gog & Magog (Ezekiel 37:1-28)
10 June 2024 Revelation 20:7-10
Episode 1137 (MP3)
The Identity Of 'GOG' (Ezekiel 37:21-38:6)
11 June 2024 Revelation 20:7-10
Episode 1138 (MP3)
The 'Battle' Of Gog & Magog (Ezekiel 38:1-23)
12 June 2024 Revelation 20:7-10
Episode 1139 (MP3)
Cleanup At Hamon-Gog (Ezekiel 39:1-29)
13 June 2024 Revelation 20:7-10
Episode 1140 (MP3)
Jesus Judges The Resurrected Unrighteous
14 June 2024 Revelation 20:11-21:3
Episode 1141 (MP3)
New Jerusalem Is Coming!
18 June 2024 Revelation 21:1-16
Episode 1142 (MP3)
The Grand Finale Of Revelation
18 June 2024 Revelation 21:15-22:21